In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Looking for Answers
I'm almost afraid to ask.....if that's looking for answers....WTF was the question?
Looking for Answers
How about... Now where did I leave my Kong? In here???I'm almost afraid to ask.....if that's looking for answers....WTF was the question?
Nah, don't worry, dogs occupy a higher moral ground than politicians.Looks like the pet thread got infected with politics too now...
Until today, I don’t think I knew your pup’s name. Mine is Benny.
Too funny... Benny & Clyde!
Well, my 1st dog was Bonnie if that counts....I brought this over from other Fury thread to stay OT
He’s never met a Bonnie yet — close enough!
Here he is full of static: (it was a bad week for him to stop sniffing glue)