Hi All, got 3 fuzzybutts in my pack. Got a new girl last April on the 20th, go figure.

She is wicked smart, my other two are no slouch in the intelligence department
The below pic is the day I got her, on the way home. She was 4 mo old when I got her, nobody picked her from the breeders litter. She came right up to me when I arrived to look at younger puppies, breeder said she's never done that with anybody else that's came to look at dogs. So my choice was made for me, she picked me.
These two are at my friends house, I went with them to look at puppies, they had one already selected but I was down in the dumps, and what's better to bring your spirits up than a litter of puppies!

Did not think I'd be bringing a 4 month old home with me the next weekend though, lol.
Here are my other two greeting the new girl into the pack.