Melting Pot
Sick & Twisted

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Thanks you know who for removing that post!Wow...^ that's just so sad...really don't where to start about how very much that's just so wrong on so many levels.![]()
................................................................................I have never had a dog (who hadn’t been feral) who was this difficult before. This little prick was professionally trained for months and passed obedience tests, so he knows when he is misbehaving. WTF?!?!?! Same dog who has pooped repeatedly on my floor and my bed long after he was housebrokben, eats my blinds, destroys shoes and clothing.
Looks like a beagle pup @Iwien
Bernese mountain dog
Actually he is trained to heel. But as I am handicapped I let him go to the full extent of his retractable leash most of the time so he can get more exercise- I can't walk fast enough to tire him out.@arf777 .... Preaching to the choir I'm sure.....99.9% of the time a dog wants nothing more than to please it's owner. Had a dog for 13 years that was perfectly trained right down to being able to use hand commands but unless I wore his ass out each morning before going to work with a long run his separation anxiety might cause him to crap, pee, destroy and try to dig his way out. That dog added more to my life than I could ever repay. I still miss him. Puppies chew because they're puppies and are orally fixated like babies but adult dogs destroy things because they either believe themselves to be the alpha, have separation anxiety or in the case of a new person entering the pack... are trying to show their dominance over the new person (so they gotta eat that person's shoes :-)
My first question is why the dog wasn't taught to heel. It's really simple to teach and shouldn't take more than a week when using the 'jerk chain' method. And before anyone beats me up over how inhumane jerking a chain is ... when done correctly it should not injure or hurt the dog but should surprise the shit out of them. I could run my dog for upwards of 30 minutes without his head leaving my knee unless he had to do business and then he would simply slow down behind me to let me know. only takes a week of daily walks with a choke collar and this technique to teach the dog to heel.
My second question is ... is the dog doing the nasty stuff when you're not home or when he can sneak away from you while your home? If he only does it when you're not home it sounds like separation anxiety. The funny thing about training a dog is that the dog gets comfort from taking the command and reading your face. A well trained dog with separation anxiety is twice as likely to get hyper because it NEEDS to see your face to know it's all good. If the issue is separation anxiety I wish you the's a biotch to work with because even crate training might not suffice if the dog is several years old and never was crate trained.
EDIT: Separation anxiety is like a panic attack that last from the moment the dog knows you're gone till you get home. If I had a 8 hour panic attack...I'd crap myself and destroy some shit too
Good Luck!