The munchies


Well-Known Member
For the most part, I've learned to control my munchies. Doesn't mean that I don't love eating when vaked though! When I feel like letting my munchies run free, I prepare healthy food ahead of time. Large amounts of fruits & veggies or lots of salad. Sometimes I find something low calorie to dip the fruits or veggies in, and I try to use a vinaigrette with the salads. Sometimes I add some roasted chicken to the salad. When you're vaked, all that shit taste AMAZING :love:

When I'm having a difficult time stopping myself from munching, I'll try to drink a lot of liquids to fill my stomach. Personally, I like yerba mate tea. Just make sure whatever you drink is low in sugar/fat so you can just keep enjoying it without worrying.

EDIT: jeffp & Stu got it right, at least in my opinion. There may be biochemical reasons for the munchies, but it really can be controlled. I just realized that this is what I do. Do more productive/entertaining things while high, and food isn't so important anymore. Just like bad trips, munchies are all in the mind.


New Member
This happens to me every night, but I have somewhat found a way to fight it. Definitely smizz after you eat, or eat in the middle if you, like me, need it to eat in the first place. (yeah, my stomach makes no sense, I can't eat all day but once I do I can't stop) and shop when you are clear-headed. Get fruit and cereal along with your twirzzlers and ice cream. And even though it doesn't make sense at first, get the mini sized candy, like the Halloween kinds. When you have the pile of wrappers sitting on the couch next to you, it is really a wake up call. :)
That being said, I've got a bag of m&ms in my lap now :p


Lord of The Seven Kingdoms.
I tend to have a large bowl of either cereal or oatmeal as soon as the munchies hit , then drink either some milk or a smoothie. I'm not really watching my weight or anything , but I have noticed that when I get super super stoned on my gravity ( 3+ grams in a session) the munchies dont even happen , I just get an exteme thrist. I have downed plenty of two liters or pitchers of tea in one gulp after a really intense session.


Vapor Enthusiast
I've been dealing with the munchies. I medicate due to IBS pain, however, yesterday I had a bad IBS attack, then used the Cloud (2 ELBs), and had insane munchies.

Maybe I just have to deal with the hunger. I find that when I combusted, and I ate, I would normally snap back to normalcy/pain. With vaping, not so much. But I gotta find healthy food that I ACTUALLY LIKE so that I can try that when I get the insane munchies.


Well-Known Member
Go do something interesting and fun. That always helps me.

On another note. Having an appetite is something people really take for granted.
Ask anyone going through chemo.


Go do something interesting and fun. That always helps me.

same here and it helps if i start that "something" before i toke so im in that groove, otherwise its easy if just sitting around to eventually find myself raping the fridge with my mouth.


There are tons of good suggestions in here (obviously), but to add my own :2c::

Flavored liquids work best, but I have found that the munchies are far easier to fight if you don't give in to begin with. I have told myself on multiple occasions that I can control it, I only want a couple of chips.. or one little snack... and then I can't help myself and before you know it every bit of food is in me. Stopping that first bite keeps me at the stage where I can still ignore it if I get into doing something else.


Developing Connoisseur & Vaporist
IME, my biggest problem with munchies is he laziness/demotivation that happens if I vape to much.
I end up grabbing the bad food because its easy and right there instead of the good food because I have to prepare it.
If im not too high, preparing the food is fun, but if I exceed it becomes work that I dont really wanna do, especially if its gonna take at least 20 minutes. I usually dont wanna wait that because I just wanna munch then and there! I guess the solution is to not vape or not vape too much so I'm not so lazy and impatient.


Vapor Enthusiast
Yeah I guess it really is all about self control. If you eat, and vape, and then are hungry you just have to say you are not really hungry. :-).

Definitely, I know about the appetite, cause if I don't vape, I have trouble eating. I can't even imagine what it would be like during chemo, but I know some people who used MMJ to get threw it.


Well-Known Member
If you wanna stave off the munchies, I find Gum works. I kinda forget that I'm hungry after awhile and just keep chewing and enjoying myself.

But I'll be honest with you all, I'm more one to embrace the munchies than stave them off. Something crunchy, cheesy, meaty, or salty. Or any combination of the 4. mmmmmmmm pizzzaaaa
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