the most high


Well-Known Member
I'm intrigued by this Swamp Water concoction.

I have about 20 grams of ABV saved up because I was gonna cook some brownies... but now I am thinking of going the Swamp Water route because if I read correctly... I just mix 14 grams with some 151 Rum (Everclear is banned here) so just swish it around for 24 hours and let the alcohol evaporate, and then squeeze the ABV into a cloth and whatever liquid comes out of that.... Take a Tablespoon worth and I will be in another Galaxy? Did I read right? Am I on the right track? I want to test this out if so....


Well-Known Member
Just vaporizing with the Magic flight launch box does it for me; but I keep my tolerance very low and it lasts a lot longer and it's more intense than even smoking a lot with a low tolerance was.

I got super high from eating 3g of herb on cheese and crackers but it wasn't that enjoyable and I did get horrible stomach cramps and pass out at one point. Maybe I'll eat herb again but I'll just do it with a very low dose.


Well-Known Member
Sometimes eating raw cannabis could upset ones stomach, were the firecrackers cooked?^
Or try a recipe in which the plant material can be filtered out.
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