The miniVVPS - FC's Own Voltage Regulator


Well-Known Member
These units are awesome! I will be purchasing one soon.

Im on the waiting list for the HI so I have time to wait for a new case to be developed. That elfin hybrid looks great!

What is the max output from the miniVVPS? I can be a little clumsy and would hate to accidentally turn it up enough to cook my heating core.


Well-Known Member
For some reason I've had bad luck with power supplies for my Underdog. Been through 4 or 5 of them in less than 2 years. I've had the mini vvps for almost a month now, and so far it's my favorite one I've used to date. Solid construction, doesn't heat up during use, the dial is less sensitive than other models I've used so accidentally knocking the dial doesn't throw your settings off wildly. Hopefully this will last a while longer than the ones I've used in the past. Time will tell but so far I'm extremely pleased with this little device.


Evil Genius in Training
Accessory Maker
These units are awesome! I will be purchasing one soon.

Im on the waiting list for the HI so I have time to wait for a new case to be developed. That elfin hybrid looks great!

What is the max output from the miniVVPS? I can be a little clumsy and would hate to accidentally turn it up enough to cook my heating core.

hey there nugg! Glad to hear that your interested. I'd be happy to help you out; just send me a message when you get your confirmation email from Alan and I'll do my best to make sure it's ready for when you get your HI

The miniVVPS can output any voltage from 3 - 30v, but the total output power caps out at 15 - 20W total regardless of what voltage your outputting. It would be pretty hard to cook the cord of a HI using this unit, you would need to accidentally turn the dial at least three times in the same direction. That being said, I've got some precision dials in stock that have a built in locking mechanism that can be added to your unit to prevent accidental adjustment.

For some reason I've had bad luck with power supplies for my Underdog. Been through 4 or 5 of them in less than 2 years. I've had the mini vvps for almost a month now, and so far it's my favorite one I've used to date. Solid construction, doesn't heat up during use, the dial is less sensitive than other models I've used so accidentally knocking the dial doesn't throw your settings off wildly. Hopefully this will last a while longer than the ones I've used in the past. Time will tell but so far I'm extremely pleased with this little device.

I'm really happy to hear that walrus! Reliability was one of my primary concerns when developing the unit. I've been using the same prototype unit for months now with nothing but solid performance, so I'd expect the same for yours!


Well-Known Member
Awesome! I doubt I'd be able to spin the dial round 3 times with out noticing.
I'll be in contact soon. :)


Well-Known Member
i see the mini vvps standard package is on backorder. any idea when they will be back in stock? would like one for my underdog.


Well-Known Member
What is the power handling capability? How many watts can the device handle continuously?


Evil Genius in Training
Accessory Maker
i see the mini vvps standard package is on backorder. any idea when they will be back in stock? would like one for my underdog.

Parts are on their way in, I should have more available soon. I'm hoping to have them available within a few weeks.

What is the power handling capability? How many watts can the device handle continuously?

It's rated to handle up to 15W of constant output power. It can peak up to about 25W for short periods as well.


My new miniVVPS was delivered yesterday. Sweet little unit. I am amazed at its small size. It has about the same volume as lets say, a pack of cigarettes.

The 12VDC wall wart I used to power my log vape was unregulated. Changes in the wall line voltage resulted in changes to the log vape temperature. Some days it ran hot and some days cold. A Variable Voltage Power Supply (VVPS) provides me with what I needed most, a regulated output voltage, which results in a consistent and predictable log vape temperature. The ability to adjust the log vape temperature from the smooth turning, top mounted, multi-turn potentiometer was an added plus.

The miniVVPS has all the features you need, with none that you don't. Great job @CentiZen on the design and implementation.


Crohn's Warrior
Needing a new VVPS, but I noticed it's on backorder. Any idea on wait time?


New Member
@CentiZen, this is an amazing product. A true example of necessity if the mother of invention. I think this is going to reduce our hassle 10times at least. I’m going to buy one from your website soon. The really attractive part of this product are the accessories. Sometimes, people would just have a great idea, develop a great product and it fails because the accessories are not well tested or well thought but this is the interesting this about this converter, all the accessories are available with the product.


Well-Known Member
I'd really (I MEAN REALLY) love so much to have one (or more, why not?) of those pieces to connect to my logvapes....
But, quite sadly I found that buying it over was not enough, as it was never sent my way :(

@CentiZen, Anything else I can do apart from praying for Santa Claus and being a good boy? :)

Thanks a million,


Almost there...
I'd really (I MEAN REALLY) love so much to have one (or more, why not?) of those pieces to connect to my logvapes....
But, quite sadly I found that buying it over was not enough, as it was never sent my way :(

@CentiZen, Anything else I can do apart from praying for Santa Claus and being a good boy? :)

Thanks a million,

PM @CentiZen and he will get you sorted out!
If you bought and paid for one and never received it, there is an issue that needs to be resolved.

CentiZen is a stand up guy and backs up his products!
Never let me down!


Evil Genius in Training
Accessory Maker
Hey guys!

PM @CentiZen and he will get you sorted out!
If you bought and paid for one and never received it, there is an issue that needs to be resolved.

CentiZen is a stand up guy and backs up his products!
Never let me down!

Thanks for the kind words lazylathe! I really appreciate this. This is a bit of a strange case though; because Bwade has gone through PM to get ahold of me and I dropped the ball. So in this case, I'm to blame for not properly communicating. But your right, there is an issue that needs to be resolved and I will do that now.

I'd really (I MEAN REALLY) love so much to have one (or more, why not?) of those pieces to connect to my logvapes....
But, quite sadly I found that buying it over was not enough, as it was never sent my way :(

@CentiZen, Anything else I can do apart from praying for Santa Claus and being a good boy? :)

Thanks a million,

Bwade; man - I am so sorry for the almost comical accumulation of issues with your order. I did indeed send you out a unit about 2 months ago; but it looks like that got lost on the way to Oz. I had intended to contact you after about two weeks from the shipping date to touch base and see if you got the item, but I was so swamped with work that it fell through the cracks. I am so sorry for this, especially considering the earlier issues with the order this was unacceptable.

I will contact you via PM later today once I have a chance to look at my parts stock and see if I can make another unit, and we will sort things out. I really, truly appreciate how understanding you have been in the face of this issue and hope that I can make up for it in some small part by covering the costs to get this second unit shipped out to you.

Any idea on current wait time?

I'm afraid that right now the miniVVPS has been put on hold so I can devote all of my resources to desperately trying to dig myself out of the quicksand that is my Arizer battery orders. Once I have that taken care of I hope to start being able to provide the miniVVPS again. If things go according to plan, I should have all backorders taken care of within two weeks (hmm, that sounds familiar ((but for real this time)))


Well-Known Member

PM @CentiZen and he will get you sorted out!
If you bought and paid for one and never received it, there is an issue that needs to be resolved.

CentiZen is a stand up guy and backs up his products!
Never let me down!

Yes, I am pretty sure about that, but I believe even standup honest, awesome and nice people sometimes mess up things unintentionally....

Hey guys!


Bwade; man - I am so sorry for the almost comical accumulation of issues with your order. I did indeed send you out a unit about 2 months ago; but it looks like that got lost on the way to Oz. I had intended to contact you after about two weeks from the shipping date to touch base and see if you got the item, but I was so swamped with work that it fell through the cracks. I am so sorry for this, especially considering the earlier issues with the order this was unacceptable.

I will contact you via PM later today once I have a chance to look at my parts stock and see if I can make another unit, and we will sort things out. I really, truly appreciate how understanding you have been in the face of this issue and hope that I can make up for it in some small part by covering the costs to get this second unit shipped out to you.

Maybe you're addressing another user's complaint? I ordered a battery and a VVPS on late April, and in early August just the battery part of my order made its way down here... I sent you a message and asked if you need me to do something (like pay for extra shipping for the missing vvps) at that time, and believed you were to send the vvps right away, but as it never arrived here, I kindly sent you PM early November to check what was going on, that PM was not answered yet....

Just to set things straight..... I actually live in South America, ok? I am still very anxious to have that VVPS piece I ordered, and I am willing to buy it again if needed. Please let me know what is needed.

Thank you very much,
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Evil Genius in Training
Accessory Maker
Man, I am loosing my marbles... I definitely was replying to you but for some reason I got the wrong username in my head. I had sent the package out to your address in S. Africa, but it looks like it hasn't arrived after several weeks. There is no need to buy the unit again, I have enough parts to make you a new one (about 80% done it now) and will have it out to your early this week.


Evil Genius in Training
Accessory Maker
Well, the plan was always to get caught up on the batteries and then focus on getting these back on the table. Now that the backorders are all taken care of, I am back to working on these again. Parts are on the way and I am experimenting with some design changes and might offer two different version in the future. More information on that to come.


The sound of vapor
Hey @CentiZen, any chance you can make one that can directly be plugged on 220V please? No rush though I should only receive the mail for my H.I. in about 6 months. :D
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Well-Known Member
so i can use the minivvps with the included wall power supply included with the underdog vaporizer?


Evil Genius in Training
Accessory Maker
I can't say yes or no for sure to that. At different points in time Dave has supplied both AC and AC/DC adapters. Only the AC/DC adapters are going to work with the miniVVPS.


Well-Known Member
Is there a chart that tells you what temp it will be when using a specific voltage?
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