Dear Readers,
we in the Communications Department of Magic-Flight have been asked to present you with the following statement on behalf of the company. ***
We would like to answer some questions (and address some comments) that we've been seeing since we recently added the new product recently called "pico" to our website. The product is an experimental build and an alpha product which is being offered to gauge interest. Please be advised that as this is an alpha product, a experimental project, etc, the name itself is considered to be somewhat temporary and could likely be changed.
As an alpha product, it was not intended to suggest or recommend combustion as being "better" than vaprorization. We attempt to provide choices, and the freedom for people to make them (check the bottom of the LB, to see what we are about). As with anything, we cannot know what people want unless we ask. However, we also think it is better to show what we mean than to just ask by itself. We have to be willing to try an experiment -- even if it might not work out.
Yes, the combustion aspect is by design -- this device was never intended to be a just a vaporizer. Between our own Launch Box, and some other good vaporizers out there, and the many assorted pens, we figured the need for vaporization had been rather fully covered. Although we're of the opinion that vaporization is generally better, we still see a lot of people using herbal material in all kinds of pipes, and others preferring to make large clouds. Some folks simply do not prefer vaporization, for whatever reason. We do not wish to be preachy about it, or to exclude.
This device is intended instead to be a butane-less one-hitter, for dry herbal material. In particular, it is intended to be the most efficient and most compact one-hitter possible. In regards to the design, there are two basic aspects: first, there are those who prefer to consume less, but in a more concentrated single use event, and second, there are those who are actually into combustion, and yet which are also into efficiency, saving money, etc.
We found that for those people who do burn, the fact is combustion simply heats the material too quickly. Fire implies that there will be a significant conversion of medicament into non-bio-available heat, rather than just into bio-available vapor. Using an electric heat source, however, rather than fire from a lighter, allows for the warm up time to be much more controllable, slower, ensuring a more consistent release. The aim was to have a device that would cross a wider range of temperatures, more completely, than just vaporization alone would normally allow.
The net effect is that there is no doubt -- no question -- as to whether all possible extractable materials have been recovered. With the one hitter, there is no question of "is it done yet?" There is simplicity, clarity of usage intention, and no wait.
In regards to this forum specifically, we are actually rather surprised to see the device even discussed here. Particularly since there was never an intention to characterize this device as a vaporizer. We figure that if there is no advertising/marketing of it being about vaporization, then any benefits that may actually occur during use, due to some increased degree of vaporization happening over what would otherwise occur with burning, that we are exceeding consumer expectations -- benefit without cost.
Also, it is much better -- more honest -- that than the reverse -- calling something a vaporizer and then disappointing folks if the device does not work as a vaporizer -- if combustion accidentally happens (as can occur with the Box if misused).
For those on FC who have more political motivations favoring vaporization, it is agreed that it *might* be possible to "convert" a non-vaporizer person into one, using this device as a "gateway", but that is not the intention. We do not expect that using this as a vaporizer will be particularly easy. More it is to be efficient as a one hitter -- as maximally efficient as it is possible to be, assuming similar limits in size, cost, etc.
We sincerely hope this clears up any confusion and answers questions as to why we are offering this new and unique choice for the Magic-Flight community.