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When temperature is brought down, temperature light flashes slowly to indicate that it is working towards selected temperature.
Yes, we are on schedule for XP release around christmas. On the INH004 program flashes led proportionnaly reaching higher temperature: flashes led every half second reaching lower temperature. Sometimes heating overshoots up or down and flashing is unobvious. We will a make flashing proportional up and down for less confusion. If computer shut of heating after temperature adjustment; it is a program glitch. This may be caused by that particular microcontroller or has been introduced while flashing program at the factory
Feel free to contact us directly if you are unsatisfied of the operation of your unit.
The dual conduction/convection system took 5 years of full time work to discover and is patented technology. Air entering the unit is made to go up and down heated chambers before reaching the capsule mouth.
I would suggest searching as they have told the updates several times in this thread.Inhalator - I'm from the UK and thinking about ordering an xp. Can you give us any details about the improvements over the original model? As I'm in the UK, will my warranty be affected at all?
NF you ordered an xp and got the reg 04...hmmmmmmmmmmmmm scratching head.
What do you mean by inline water filter? Sorry for the double post but i couldnt pmaquavapes work great slide the hygenic tips over an end of the cap and have an inline water filter that wont spill out. https://www.vaporstore.com/proddetail.php?prod=aqua-vape-vaporfection-water-filtration also on amazon and lots of places.
That is what I thought they meant...that would be so cool to have both options. Would you be putting a switch or something? How would the auto mode be activated? If it is additional electronics wont that be more to break? If that is the case I vote don't do it.