Ape With A Vape
Hahaha thanks, I will let everyone know my thoughts on the vape. I don't really have as much to compare it to as some of the other members, but I'll do my best . Thanks again everyone for being so helpful and friendly
You will enjoy it Ape and welcome.
@ ru_frothi, I believe you said you did the write up on the vapopedia. I think that there are mistakes or mine works differently. Heat up time is 45 seconds and on max 50 seconds. I checked just to see while I was doing a burn. Also the sessions are not 6 minutes with my unit they are 8. The book says 6 but I think they increased it. It was mentioned 8 on this thread somewhere as well. I am so bad at searching for stuff.
omgomghax I will answer since I need to post an update. There is no way it is stealthy as the LB because you will get bigger clouds therefore cause it to be seen and smelled. I have done burns at max even though I don't smoke at max and never had an issue picking it up on the body. It is cool to the touch with a very small warm feeling that is coming from where the black ridges go around. I have never held it there but would assume that would be uncomfortable but that would block your air holes so no reason to hold it there.
Ok my smell report. I think this will be great news for most but for someone like me it may take the way I need a portable out of the question. I need a vape with little to no smell because when I am in public I need to medicate and if big clouds and smell are there it isn't stealth.
So as promised I vaped using the Inhalater about ten feet from subject and he could smell it easily. I then vaped near the subject and the smell lingered a while but nowhere as long as smoking which can last all day in my room. The vape smell lingered a few minutes which if you are in a car will not be good. If you are out in a closed area not good. If you are on the street someone walking near you or who walks into that cloud will smell it.
Next I tried to DV to compare as I already used the LB in peoples faces and no reported smell. The DV preformed very well. From the same distance blowing it in the direction of the subject nothing. Vaping near the subject nothing. Subject walking into vape slight and dissipated almost immediately.
If this is a factor in your smoking expierence then you now have the details. The inhalator will become my primary for home and OF will be happy to hear I haven't smoked my pipe since I got it. It is just as much a hard hitter to me but we know we are all different. To me the vape almost looks like smoke at 4.5 and especially at 5.5 when I start.
Last night I started to play around with lower temps after my experiment to see if I can get it a bit more stealthy and still get medicated. I dropped to I believe 2 and still got visible vape that smelled but the chamber could have been to hot. I will report when I am done playing. If it isn't important to you then ignore it. I will include it with my eventual outdoor report. I still haven't left the house. I may find more things that make it not portable for me but we will see.
The stickers on the top grooves fall off so if you can't decide if you want them or have decided to keep them glue them down. It is the nature of the are where I live. Glue, duct tape and other things like that don't work well at all. So a bit of a sticky sticker is definitely not going to stick.
My throat still gets sore in the back which I believe is unique to the inhalater but goes away fast. I will be testing that as well by changing vapes and maybe combusting to see the difference in that feeling to see if it is unique to that vape for me.
@vaporjunkie-I finished cutting the screen and I don't know how you got it tight but I made it just shy of tight so it falls to the bottom of the capsule ugh. I am sure you aren't surprised. I used it once and then left it in the capsule to use for next time and forgot it was there and ended up as a double screen on the pull side lol. In case any of you are interested it still had no pull issues with two screens. I don't think this will work for me but it was a good try I suppose. Maybe I can just drop it to the bottom of the chamber and that will have the same effect. What do you think?
Yes, why? If you mean why I need to be so stealth is cause they bust you anyhow and the law says you can only smoke/vape on pvt property so basically at home but I need it most when not at home which is why I am home all the time...99% of the time actually.
Not to derail but I was using pills cause I knew how long it took to they took effect but pill guy got busted. We have no dispensaries yet, maybe Sept. if the stupid people in this state don't succeed in stopping it cause on the news tonight they are trying yet again. For now we are all on our own. So more poor attempts at making tincture which I would love cause it is fast failed. I also tried to make pills, failed. I know I will forget what you said but if they open I will hit you up on PM for info on what to do. I really hope it is Sept. Besides with no smell you can travel to non med states better. TY for that answer. If you have info I need PM me.
Looking forward to joining the INH familyBuying from theothersidevapes...can't wait! Thanks to every single one of you for all the info and helping me make my decision to buy this instead of the Pax.
Should I buy an extra capsule or is 2 enough for the next while (until the price drops)?
Thanks! Can you submerge the entire capsule with mouthpiece into an iso bath for cleaning?
Thanks to every single one of you for all the info and helping me make my decision to buy this instead of the Pax.