Hey Dreamerr, it seems to me that the Inhalater is the best for cleaning. With the Pax you have an entire bowl and SS tube to clean, plus mouthpiece, but with the INH4000 you can just discard the bowl/mouthpiece type of thing if need be. We're lucky we have some great members here with Inhalaters.
Looking forward to Slim's and kushcabbages reviews. You guys kick ass.
well I have to say thank you for the kind words, I'm sure the other members you mentioned would be tickled pink

The cleaning thing is quite important so I'll try to elaborate on a few things. T1 first, yes everything can be boiled but ceramic stains from concentrate, and little bits of particulate and trichomes WILL fall into the heating core when not used with a screen and even then, no guarantees the inside furnace won't have bits of something even after boiling and isoing. Theres no way to correctly flush the core. On to the Pax, from what I understand and seen (will be getting my own soon to play with and clean, I'm pretty ocd) the entire vapor path and oven can be cleaned and sterilized, with an iso soaking on the lid, shouldn't come out brand new, since every bit of particulates can be removed not just trapped. On to the inh004, I'm quite confident a dirty unit can be made perfectly again with a new screen on the bottom, and a new capsule.
Oh yeah, where is the most economical place to get the capsules? I see them on eBay and Othersidevapes has them for $13... anything better? I'd like to have at least a 1/2 dozen of them.
Pretty excited about this vape!!!
here's a quote from Kaptan about capsule price:
I was told by Taylor at theothersidevapes that the capsules will soon come down in cost when they ramp up production. He estimated they will eventually be about $1.99 each.
I've been cleaning my capsule after about 4 uses and it still looks new.
Oh I forgot about that plastic thing with the mouth piece that you can just throw out. So there is no other cleaning at all that needs to be done? Oh people that make this thing give us covers for those plastic herb holders so we can have a mess load of them in our pockets. Maybe a case that holds the vape and the holders hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I activated carbon coded case so no doggie can smell it hehe.
How does the herb get vaped if is in an almost enclosed capsule? Does any fall out into the inhalater or in your mouth?
There is a small screen on the very bottom that debris like to get into because of the large size, I'd recommend a smaller screen. yet it seem like a quick dental or wax like tool something along with a hook can reach in a take out the screen/replace/q tip iso the bowl.
I've bene trying to think of options as well to keep things in the chamber besides packing, I found a ceramic filter piece from atmos raw works with a bit of melting in water.. but not a great DIY, looking for some type of welding torch teflon plug/gasket to plug in. I'm sure holding in pocket would be achievable with ear plugs. They fit perfect in the end.
I think it was mentioned that it can fall out into the inhalater, but there is a screen in there. The solution IIRC is to either pack/tamp it a bit, or add in another screen. No herb bits in the mouth due to a built in screen in the polyimide capsule. Hope that helps!
as mentioned a smaller fine mesh screen would collect less debris, right you are. and btw I was watching the jurassic park trilogy the other day vaped with my inh004. good stuff