I got the Inhalater and the Pax at roughly the same time and have been using both continually since. The only thing better about the Pax IMO is the convenience of the easy load oven and how discreet it is. In every other category the Inhalater wins for me...
- It's more convenient to charge and you can use it while charging
- It's MUCH easier to draw through(drawing through the Pax is REALLY hard)
- The battery is user changeable and 18650's are great batteries + readily available
- You can preload multiple capsules for being on the go
- Inhalater can be EASILY adapted to water pipes. No great solutions for the Pax yet.
Don't get me wrong, I like my Pax. Basically the Pax will be my weapon of choice if discretion is a major concern. All other times I'll be using the Inhalater.
The Inhalater in my double bubbler makes a better full time setup than my Extreme Q with whip.

I'm planning on buying a proper GonG bubbler to use it with ASAP.