I don't know why they don't make them out of glass. glass is inert easy to clean and doesn't deform with heat....
I continually clean my capsules ...
I do an Iso shake regularly, and am on my second capsule (been good for months)
I use an Iso q tip to stroke the outside of the capsule, and it always comes up discolored.
I have NO sticking.
Yea that's good logic.It is new so it is clean. It is both capsules I bought and neither click in place and are very tight. I don't know how to check the screen or what to do short of tossing them in the garbage.
I tried for a while to find the post where it's described how to fix the capsules to no avail.
I was almost able to fix mine but not quite. First I put the polyamide roll In the mouthpiece... Then Insert the white spacer thing and push it down with something.
This works to make the capsule looked fixed... But the process of pushing the white bit down causes the open end to get wider.... And it's too wide to fit in the inh. Tried several things to close it up but I just crush the polyamide more with each attempt. I have to admit that stuff is tough as nails though.
Neat idea! I actually managed to repair mine on the 15th try or so after I last posted by trying random things.
Ended up drilling a hole in a scrap of wood to stick the mouthpiece in and thus free up a hand. I then used the free hand and a pair of pliers to tug on the top corner of the rolled up polyamide as I forced the white spacer down with an upside down screw. Not perfect but it's worki g enough for some clouds..... Crisis averted
Thanks for the additional idea. I'd try that next time.... Only quick thought is that the paper might just rip open because the forces involved here are pretty intense.