Finally I've resolved to make a HD vape review after an half year of use. Well folks, I like this thing! In fact, I love it. Yes, it's not butaneless, but using torch the only byproduct is H2O. It's all glass and a certain aspect of this vape makes it so special for me. Let me examine it through some sections. Be please aware that this review relates to use of HDvape purely with torch lighter.
1. Portability
7 / 10
The HD heat diffusor is solid, small and portable; but it needs 18 mm GonG bowl so you need to carry another glass piece around. I've chosen my old vaporgenie glass pipe. I definitely recommend to carry it in some pouch or a case.
2. Efficiency
9.9 / 10
Using this thing to vape your brown-/goldish ABV is more than recommended! HD vape knows how to vape your flowers from the vape-starting temperatures the all the way to those that make most darkish brown leftovers. It vaporizes herb to almost black powder, with no combustion! Whole bowl is evenly vaporized from top to the bottom. It doesn't leave empty green sections in the bowl like VapoStar and it does not overheat the top of the load too much leaving bottom still green like VaporGenie. If you hit hard, it vaporizes whole bowl evenly and in good throttle! BUT, You have to really change the technique you got used to from other flame-powered units. More about this later.
3. Ease of use & manipulating
5 / 10
Don't touch it! It's HOT! You have to really warn your covapers not to touch the glass heater with bare hands. For manipulating with HDvape and checking the load I use a small piece of leather that I have from my old jeans to grab the HDvape. You can also use your pullover or gloves.
4. Stealth
No stealth. HD vape nicely shines if you use bic lighter (which I don't recommend

) but its also nice to watch the torch flame penetrating the diffusor.
5. Pre-heating & after-heating
9.7 / 10
Ok. This vape has unique heating. Even though it took a LOT of time until I finally figured out how to properly use it, it brought big benefit. Forget your old ways of flame-powered vaping. Now the opposite tactic works: Faster inhalation means fast heating and slower inhalation equals slow heating. I quite don't understand why is that so. But it is. It has something to do with the weird and not-so-sophisticated design of the diffuser. The bigger flame works best but don't let the flame to touch the glass at close. By this method you can achieve full-spectrum flavanoids starting from lower temp clouds till high-temp hits with imo minimal CBN or CBD leftovers. All that in one hit. So as I said. Start dragging with more power and expect sudden overwhelming flux of vapors

I've vaped like this with friends many times and we ended up coughing our lungs off in a room full of vapefog.
And the most amazing thing is, that I have NEVER accomplished combustion with HDvape. Even when I really tried to overcook it, I just didn't succeed. Whatever I tried it just left an intensively vaporized ABV.

I highly recommend this Jim Beam lighter
I've tried several lighters from DealEx. but all were terrible for vaping since their the plastic parts have melted. This one is full in metal AND it looks cool. The only drawback is small gas tank. So prepare gas refill bottles.
6. Taste
9.7 / 10
All Glass vapor path secures top-notch taste using the torch-lighter of course. However, I can imagine better vapor path without inhaling the flame (looking forward to VxRain) and without stainless steel screen (titanium or glass maybe?). But still this vape has the best taste I've experienced so far.
7. Durability
7 / 10
It fell on the floor sometimes without any cracking. Except the last time. I am somehow lucky in destroying my glassware.
8. Maintenance
It can be cleaned but it is hard in those unachievable areas inside the diffuser.
Portability 7.0
Efficiency 9.9
Convenient usage & reloading 5.0
Pre-heating & additional-heating 9.7
Taste & vapor path 9.7
Durability 7.0
*all ratings are related to torch lighter use
This vape has left significant impressions in me. Shame it is not for sale anymore. Seibo hurry up, we can't wait the VxRain.
Where to buy?
Nowhere. Blower does not have them for sale looong time, making your time reading this review wasted. *trollface* problem?
Some pictures (click for enlarge)
I hope this was helpful, good luck