MicroG is considerably better than the Gpen. Better quality hits..and even though there isnt a tank, you can still put a sizable amount in the chamber.
Any videos showing how its used? I was curious but did not order one
MicroG is considerably better than the Gpen. Better quality hits..and even though there isnt a tank, you can still put a sizable amount in the chamber.
A few things:
I have the new microg. While some have said it is just a rebranded Ovale Eclipse I don't think that is the case - but can anybody confirm? The body and battery 100% are, but the element is more an exposed heating filament wrapped around a wick in a (possible ceramic?) cup that that you add your dab to. I believe the Eclipse is more a spike that insets into a fluid bottle. There are alignments for this bottle, I believe, so it could just be they tore the spike off to expose the element. Either way, I get some big rips off it and he filament seems robust enough to last repeated use. We will see.
I also have the new gpen glass tank. I have some issues with it. Seems I add a dab to the nail, get a rip, then it all melts to the bottom of the tank and I just get some slight vapor. Is there actually a bottom heating element in the tank in addition to on the nail? Someone said that, but I don't see it. I had the original plastic tank, and it died after two uses. I have the new updated original tank in glass, but haven't used it. I find those original style tanks odd because it seems the wick just saturates to the bottom and never never gets the oil pulled from the wick.
Just my experiences so far.
I asked grenco back in march and they dont recommend it (atleast for the normal g pen so I don't think it would work with the micro g)Is the Gpen micro good for brick brown hash? I see there's a unit called the Cloud which is liek half the price. Thoughts?
It should work, I only used a g pen battery before but those work with many different carts. I think it was 3.7. But I'm pretty new to diffrent voltages tho....the only real question i have about the 710 pen is..... i am short on cash right now so i cant afford a new pen system. i already own an EGO-C upgraded battery pass through (this battery has two modes, regulated 3.7v and unregulated which is 4.1v depending on battery charge), could i buy a 710 cart and thread it on my EGO -C (it is 510 threaded) and would it work?? are there any real differences between the 710 pen bettery and the EGO-C??
You should shop around because there are a lot of carts that fit, the lowest priced one I seen was the g tank for $20 and it hits almost as good as the micro g. I tried the glass tank and it was alright but it broke and its expensive. ($50)
Gpens are 3.7v batteries and the g tanks do have wicks in them
A lot of these e cigs type vapes have wicksbut don't the g tanks have wicks in them?? from all the videos i watched.... the general consensus was wicks are bad and waste your oil.
ok so i am confused. i was under the impression when we spoke of "wicks" we were talking about little pieces of fiber (or rope like) inside a cart and the metal part (like what is pointed to in the picture above) was called a coil. i was under the impression wicks were bad cause they wasted oil cause they had to be saturated with oil to produce vapor
sooooooooooooooo confused!!!![]()