LiveLifeInGray: Originally was going to buy his SV for 95$, but during an accident the temp sensor broke off. He instead gave it to me for free, which was his choice, even after I asked if he was okay with giving it to me for free. He sent it out Tues, Arrived this morning, in a well packed box with everything nicely put in it. Bubble wrap was wrapped around all of the pieces and was in nice and tight. I HIGHLY recommend him, and hope to do more interactions.
StoneMonkey55: Purchased his Custom SGW Waffle bubbler for 280 shipped. Took a week for it to get shipped, Vertigo wanted to take a look at it, had no problem with it, he constantly asked if I was okay with it, and I wasn't going to be an ass about it. He sent it out last Wednesday, and it got here today, Wednesday. It arrived in a well packed bag, when I opened it, I opened it upside down

. there was tons of peanuts, and when I dug through it was well wrapped in bubble wrap, and there was an extra laying of bubble wrap on each side

. I HIGHLY recommend SM, he's a great guy, and knows his stuff. I am extremely excited to see the VapeXhale Cloud, because I know you put the same time and effort into the Xhale, as my package

Aznfknpride: Purchased his Dosa FTC Fire Dome set for 120 shipped. He said he's going to ship it Monday, he shipped it Tuesday First Class, was busy doing exams so I'm happy he even sent it out this week

. I got it today, Saturday, in a smaller box than I thought, but everythign was placed WELL wrapped and everything looks great and I am very happy. I recommend him to anyone, he was very fast, easy, and easy to contact.