The FC Meme Thread!


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
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Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker

Actually these people always had super skilled taster guys. (Probably the shamans did taste new things). Eating really little portions at unknown plants / fungi and being super aware of their stomach and intestine behavior after that. Super small doses of most deadly mushrooms aren't that deadly to a healthy adult. They also most probably had a super effective oral culture transmitted to new generations to avoid them reproducing the same trial / errors their ancestors did...



Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
If you feel that way about Oreos you have to try Tim Tams,

I've had TimTams. They sell them locally here.
I didn't feel like they were the same kind of thing, so not sure how to compare them.
TimTams are closer to one of those layered wafer cookie things covered in chocolate.
And they are in a longer bar shape.

As far as Oreos are concerned, they've recently been making Oreo Thins, and I like those better!
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