Actual travel advice from someone who works for the airline and travels a lot.
NEVER EVER EVER do this. If you volunteer to give your seat up for travel credits you are voluntarily denying yourself flight. If you do not volunteer and are "involuntarily" denied flying you and are compensated up to 4X the amount of your ticket up to $1500 in cash AND rebooked on the nearest flight to your destination. Yes I said cash. Rent money, grocery money, beer money who cares. The point is, I've seen many people just take the travel credits not knowing there was another option.
This is self explanatory but seriously, think about what you are doing. Anything you absolutely need wherever you are going, do not give it to someone else. I have seen bags literally disappear forever. I have seen bags been delayed for 4 days when the customer has schizophrenic medication in it. Don't be a fucking idiot, keep important shit on your person.
Most companies, especially Expedia and stuff like that will put their own companies name on the reservation made in your name. This means that if flight times change, which they change all the fucking time, or a flight gets cancelled, you will not be notified. I can't tell you how many times I have had people show up 2 hours late to a flight having no idea that the flight time was changed from 7am to 5 am.
As an airline employee, I have NEVER seen or heard of anything taken from a bag. Even expensive shit has been returned to people. If it helps you sleep at night that you have a cute little lock on your bag then cool. If you don't feel like wasting money don't buy a lock. They don't do shit. Trust me, if we wanted to get in your bag, we would. a baby little lock doesn't stop us.
Working on the ramp for the airline, yes, the fragile stickers do work. Believe it or not, we are real people!! Imagine that. There are rumors that fragile stickers do the opposite effect. Don't listen to those fuckin idiots. We try our best to handle every piece of luggage like it was our own. I have a lot of tips and secrets to travel and the airline business if this gets any attention.
inb4 Step 1 have money.