Even with full disassembly (removing the silicone ring) I have yet to rid the Cvault of my mold buds smell. Leaving it locked up for a few mins then opening and smelling it as the air escapes, it is unmistakable.
I've only used dishsoap & hot water and nothing stronger, but maybe the smell might be locked into the synthetic ring. However, the stainless steel inside
does have a weird "staining" that isn't at all like the outside.
I've never heard of stainless steel retaining an odor after multiple thorough scrubbings, but there is that inner coating/staining that I can't really explain.
Tried contacting Gary but he basically denied the fact that mold could grow in the humidity conditions and ended with "I have no answers for you"

Since this was free after all, I have no hard feelings one way or another.