Last month's(IIR) edition of National Geographic also had Cannabis on the cover.
Prohibition is coming to an end, State by State,and we are
finally seeing the Media shining the proverbial spotlight on all the benefits of this sacred plant that has been utilized medicinally and therapeutically for
thousands of years.
Full on legalization
will be a very s-l-o-w process.
The State by State process is intentional on the part of the DEA/Feds...
Our Government will not admit to lying about the medical properties of Cannabis for nearly 100 years .. And this is the main reason Legalization is taking a State by State approach, as opposed to a National Amendment.
By letting the State(s) vote on the Cannabis laws, the Feds' Draconian, immoral and down right deceitful laws will be perceived as...
"Well, the Voters have spoken"
And their collective hands are perceived as "clean".
But, what about the thousands of those with Felony charges on their permanent record?
For having a mere ounce (some States, a damn seed) or growing one plant for personal needs!?!?
I myself was ticketed for 5 grams of Cannabis before Colorado decriminalized MJ.
Although it was a misdemeanor, that shit will be on my record forever.
The days of Prohibition are coming to an end.