Still waiting. Feeling a little hopelessDid any Early Birds get shipping emails this week? Bent neck EB, still haven't heard anything...back to waiting...

Oh well, guess this means I'll be getting some stuff done haha
Still waiting. Feeling a little hopelessDid any Early Birds get shipping emails this week? Bent neck EB, still haven't heard anything...back to waiting...
Did any Early Birds get shipping emails this week? Bent neck EB, still haven't heard anything...back to waiting...
It doesn't seem like many evos have gone out (so far) this week.
Perhaps a mass shipment tomorrow?
Looks like I am FINALLY on that list! Got my tracking today! After a LONG day at work having an email from VXC couldnt have made me happier. Now the TRUE wait begins.
Early Bird.
Cant wait to hit a cloud. I know it will live up to all the hype just cant wait to finally hit one.
Our goal is all IGG and pre-order by end of month.
how did you get an shipping order number already if you just placed your order two days ago?
Alright, i'm now going to do a "bring the cloud" dance and chant while I jump on one leg constantly refreshing my G-mail. If you want in, send me your names hand written on a piece of paper with a piece of hair to burn while alternating feet...
:sarcasm please don't send me hair:
Idk if there are any other MMA fans in here besides SM55, but Shogun's performance calls for a kief topped bowl. That was epic.
To Mr. Doge, an Early Bird straight tube should be arriving to my place today. I think.. (might be my fanatic VXL and then the Early Bird tube tomorrow)
But anyway the point of the post above, which I forgot to mention in the post, is that I'll take a pic of the sasquatch tube when it arrives.
I'd like to vote for VXH to help them win their Captain Crunch award, but I have never tried a cloud...
And TBH I don't really think waiting months counts as "best new" anything...
Ok, that's absolutely fair. It's easy to forget that these thousands of vapes are being hand-built by five people...I believe other companies under the same constraints would have performed worse.
PS -- an Early Bird straight tube should be arriving to my place today. I think.. (might be my fanatic VXL and then the Early Bird tube tomorrow)
While I agree and greatly respect these guys, this is SF - the land of over-promising and under-delivering. Since I haven't held the product myself yet, it's still undelivered as far as I'm concernedYour comparing them with your expectation, instead of against other companies. I believe other companies under the same constraints would have performed worse.
When you objectively compare them to other industries, to completely revive a company on the verge of bankruptcy ( with added legal woes) into something sustainable and functional with a couple fiscal years is amazing, especially when your going for a differentiated product and not just finding favourable profit margins on low cost product. I think give or take a month or even if they were six months longer it would still earn them best new compared to other start ups.