so evo > cloud + ...?
so evo > cloud + ...?
Which could actually mean the holes in the bamboo got more consistent, so they're whistles combine at the same draw speed.Sounds like the whistle is the EVO's biggest complaint at the moment.
It's been real, guys. I'm afraid today was a very special day and I must move on over to the official EVO thread.I'll write up some thoughts once I get a good handle on this thing.
I actually dreamt last night that I was sitting back in my lazy-boy, chugging away on my brand new evo, gotta say I was most dissapointed when I woke up, kinda ruined my whole day. Oh well, one of these days, im sure my dream will become a reality, just gotta be more patient!..............................are we there yet? Lol.
Just placed my order for an EVO, and I'm pretty excited!
Anyone have any idea how long the approximate wait time is now? I just placed my domestic order. I know I read they had finished all the domestic preorders/IGG and were working on international orders now. Just wondering where a new domestic order fits into the time frame.