The Canadian Government's Grand War on Terror


Unconscious Objector
The following is an excerpt from CBC news;

One allowed police to arrest suspects without a warrant and detain them for three days without charges if police believed a terrorist act may have been committed. The other allowed a judge to compel a witness to testify in secret about past associations or perhaps pending acts under penalty of going to jail if the witness didn't comply. Neither clause was used by police or prosecutors in the five years before they expired.

These are new pending laws. Couple that with proposed federal minimum sentences for five plants (2 years I think, no leniency on the part of the judge) and we pretty much have the whole security thing wrapped up. Add the ability to manipulate our useless Senate for government purposes and you have a shiny example of democracy :)


[edit 1: Harper says that the number one enemy to Canada is Islamicism. Last time I checked the number one enemy of Canada is snow. Do you know how many people snow kills in Canada each year?]


the # 1 enemy to canada are the conservatives...


it's a sad state we re currently going though tdavie! :(


mmj patient under siege by the obama admin
it's a damn shame that greed and stupidity are taking canada down the same dead end path as the u.s.
tdavie said:
The following is an excerpt from CBC news;

These are new pending laws. Couple that with proposed federal minimum sentences for five plants (2 years I think, no leniency on the part of the judge) and we pretty much have the whole security thing wrapped up. Add the ability to manipulate our useless Senate for government purposes and you have a shiny example of democracy :)


Perhaps it's time to manipulate our environment instead. I really wouldn't mind so much if mj mysteriously became our countries most invasive plant species. :p


Unconscious Objector
BHOmb; you mean like Johnny Potseed instead of appleseed?

It could work. Instead of flash mobs you could have flash planting....



BHOmb. said:
tdavie said:
The following is an excerpt from CBC news;

These are new pending laws. Couple that with proposed federal minimum sentences for five plants (2 years I think, no leniency on the part of the judge) and we pretty much have the whole security thing wrapped up. Add the ability to manipulate our useless Senate for government purposes and you have a shiny example of democracy :)


Perhaps it's time to manipulate our environment instead. I really wouldn't mind so much if mj mysteriously became our countries most invasive plant species. :p

haha. how cool would that be? :p


Unconscious Objector
Here is how the anti terrorism laws will be used against a legal marijuana grower....

Joe, an MMAR 'license' holder grows his own marijuana at home. Legally. The government knows it. The police know it. A few > some > many neighbours find out. Someone mentions that Joe was buying large quantities of Isopropyl Alcohol (eh say a litre of 100% a week for a total of 7 litres) so he could make hash oil. Hash oil is, well kinda very illegal in Canada. Federal time to manufacture. So Joe gets busted. And gets held in solitary confinement for 3 days with no communication from/to anyone because he possesses large volumes of a flammable liquid and 'complicated' electronic devices with electrical probes (Joe happened to splurge and buy a combo pH/temperature/[ion] meter so he could regulate his grow). He was also found in possession of a full gas cylinder containing an unknown susbstance (CO2 for the plants).

Thats how it's going to go down, you can bet on it.

tdavie said:
BHOmb; you mean like Johnny Potseed instead of appleseed?

It could work. Instead of flash mobs you could have flash planting....


Ya got it Tom! I've been thinking about doing this locally for years, but more recently I've been thinking 4/20 would be a great day to have everyone everywhere share in the seeding. The gardens at the legislative buildings could use a lil sprucing up, as could every flower bed, planter and piece of crown land from coast to coast.
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