Auch...I decided to take my death BHOLT atty apart. Sorry BHOLT, I have enjoyed your product in a way, but after seeing this I might have to reconsider from ever advising one to anybody else...Actually the whole thing came apart easily, and to my dismay I found glue everywhere...and that's not all...
first pictures: The burned and melted 'sleeve':
And if that was not enough crap to inhale yet, here is what my 14GonG looked like on the inside! Just a broken of piece of glass, glued to the inside of the tube. The glass has been broken of, badly(not by my, this is it's original state, as installed by BHOLT!), and has not been flame polished!
I am really disappointed by this. So many well, dangerous things in the airpath...I mean, glue, thermo sleeves that seem to have melted and burned, broken piece of glass...and so on.
I call this thing far from save and will be looking into another pen option for my concentrates.
To Aaron, you should ask yourself if putting peoples health in danger is what you really want to do. If this would be a well regulated market your product would have probably never made it to the market because of obvious health reasons.
Hope no one here at FC has gotten any health issues from it...and anyone from now on buying this thing has been warned!