Well-Known Member
I really wish we could have stickies in this forum.
I really wish we could have stickies in this forum.
... Try that box in the upper right hand corner of every page where it says "Search...". Type your search term and click the box that says "Search this thread only". Think most will find answers to almost all of the questions asked here.
Yes.... I self quoted. Not that it is that prolific, but still tempted to add it at the top of every page!
Me too, but IMO we only really need one...
Yes.... I self quoted. Not that it is that prolific, but still tempted to add it at the top of every page!
I try to use the search, but I often have a problem with the 4 character minimum requirement on search terms - can be a pain when trying to look up info about things like ABV
Stickies would be great.
...unfortunately flotntoke, as good as the search function is, it does not always provide the info I am searching for. A quick note from a friendly FC member often saves the trouble of sorting through a ton of non-informative posts and less useful chit chat.
I do not have the quick start guide, I did not know if the input voltage information is contained within. I figured someone that has a unit might be able to shed more light than just referring me to a search box.
I'm having a fantasy right now, where one of the Mods could add a post to the BEGINNING of this thread, with the "Best of..." as links to the posts that answer the basic half dozen main questions.
Oh, and Caligula's videos, of course.
Repeat for all highly popular and prolific vaporizer threads.
I think andy should have an exhaustive encyclopedia of questions with answers section on the epicvape website for newbies and experts alike. Oh, and searchable.
Just sayin....
Don't forget about our very own wiki Vaporpedia. Anyone can update it with current info. You just need to PM vtac for access.An unofficial un-sponsored wikipedia on the other hand might be a better place for the content (with backups made often in case anything happens to the host, of course)
Don't forget about our very own wiki Vaporpedia. Anyone can update it with current info. You just need to PM vtac for access.
Pretty sure you could find a few people at least who would love to swim through the ocean of info on this site and fish out all the good stuff.
I'm having a fantasy right now, where one of the Mods could add a post to the BEGINNING of this thread, with the "Best of..." as links to the posts that answer the basic half dozen main questions.
Oh, and Caligula's videos, of course.
Repeat for all highly popular and prolific vaporizer threads.
You've been moved, 12 posts worth.
Stickies are only good if you have one or two of them. What we need are highlights threads. I've been thinking about this because it's a general problem. For example, the Solo thread is over 1100 pages and counting.
Wikipedia is a good idea but most people won't notice it and those who do are not likely to be engaged enough to update it. I haven't updated the MFLB entry for at least a year.
This is the key to what I'd like to do.
This is almost exactly what I want to do. It wouldn't be a sticky, it would be a "Best of" thread, one for each large thread. We couldn't have this solution in the past because a post could exist in only one thread. The latest version of the software allows moderators to copy posts, and so a "Best of" thread is possible.
The issues are how to determine which posts qualify, and how to implement it so that there won't be a huge workload for the moderators. Obviously, there is a lot of work to set one up, but administering it afterwards should not be too difficult. For now, anyway, I'd have to handle the load because I haven't asked any of my fellows if they want to take on the job. Maybe I've already said too much. I should open a discussion with them first.
You've been moved, 12 posts worth.
Stickies are only good if you have one or two of them. What we need are highlights threads. I've been thinking about this because it's a general problem. For example, the Solo thread is over 1100 pages and counting.
Wikipedia is a good idea but most people won't notice it and those who do are not likely to be engaged enough to update it. I haven't updated the MFLB entry for at least a year.
This is the key to what I'd like to do.
This is almost exactly what I want to do. It wouldn't be a sticky, it would be a "Best of" thread, one for each large thread. We couldn't have this solution in the past because a post could exist in only one thread. The latest version of the software allows moderators to copy posts, and so a "Best of" thread is possible.
The issues are how to determine which posts qualify, and how to implement it so that there won't be a huge workload for the moderators. Obviously, there is a lot of work to set one up, but administering it afterwards should not be too difficult. For now, anyway, I'd have to handle the load because I haven't asked any of my fellows if they want to take on the job. Maybe I've already said too much. I should open a discussion with them first.
Why not implement some sort of "Best of" button for users to flag posts which may be reviewed by mods and added to the list if desired (or enough people flag that post)
...could we just "report" it and say "this is a Best Of!"?
or would that just mangle the point system all up?
Offer manufacturers the ability to maintain a FAQ at top of thread.
Im willing to handle the Pinnacle pro duties. Im guessing just go through and write down post nimbers? Id like guidelines before investing the time.
Edit: couldnt we just enlist the regulars in each thread to pm a leader for each? Just have the leader gather and sift to compliment their own research?