I created a recipe to turn the WeMo off and back on at the top of every hour. It does indeed work. I was just in there and watched it power cycle.
I created one as well, just before I saw yours. It worked like a charm, albeit a couple minutes late...never the less, it power cycled in a matter of a second or two

I'm getting used to my Clicks, the cloud has little clicks...the WeMo has big ones lol.
I still cannot get over how instantaneous the switch/Cloud turn on and off with the tap of my finger, on my homes WiFi network. Surprisingly, even when I disconnect from WiFi, and go 3g, I still get pretty snappy response (a few seconds at most.)
I am liking the combo of the built in rules, and the IFTTT.com integration. I would like just one thing; either the ability to turn on and off my power cycle recipe from the iPhone, via an IFTTT.com app, or to have "off then immediately on" added to the short list of rules in the iPhones WeMo app. Currently, in the app, AFAIK you can only set a couple rules, Turn off (or on) only, or Turn on then off. If they would add the Turn off then on, I personally wouldn't
need IFTTT.com aside from the back up of being able to 'text' my cloud on and off, in the event of lack of data service. Edit* by the way, took about 7 seconds from pressing 'send' on my iPhone to shut off my cloud via text message.
Either way, I am extremely, extremely satisfied with the combo of Cloud and WeMo. I recommend it to any vaporizer user, really. I think that I will purchase a few more if I ever see them on sale, or if they get cheaper. They're not bad, but at current price, I really only need one. If they were cheaper, say in a bundle of 2 or 4, etc, I would probably get a few though. I can just imagine the automation now!
I must've done something wrong 'cause it didn't work for me.
I made one at first, for every 45 minutes past the hour, and when it didn't work, i just deleted it...try first of, setting it for more than 15 minutes in the future (think I read something about that?? ) and wait at least a couple, to a few minutes after when you set it to power cycle. Also, watch the wemo, or listen for the click...it doesn't take long for it to turn off and back on.
I'd set it for '45 minutes past the hour' if you can stand to wait another 25-35 minutes, and wait until at least 50 past.