well as one of the biggest fans of this unit it pains me to say my unit is dead. When using my unit for the first several weeks, I did not pay close attention to the cord, and over several sessions, it got twisted to the point that the wires frayed and the current could not go through. The reason it was a big deal is the spot where it failed, right at the base of part that plugs into the physical unit. It would take more skill and tools than I have access to.
I promptly notified
@TherealVaporblunt and was directed to vapordave. I told Dave my exact situation and asked if I could purchase a new power supply. Within hours Dave wrote me back asking for my shipping information and said the power supply would be shipped ASAP.
Anyone that has followed this thread should have an idea the vapor density my unit provided. This thing could deliver the most intense vapor possible, or the smoothest, tastiest vapor with only very minor tweaks to the original design. As I mentioned much earlier in this thread, this unit opened my eyes to the potential of vapor, and I have not combusted since receiving my unit.
After I sent Dave my info, I waited about 3 or 4 days with no reply. Because of how much I enjoyed my unit, I was desperate to have it functioning again. So for 4 sessions I plugged in my computer cord and the thing turned right on and i was off!
Towards the end of my 4th session I noticed my vapor density deteriorating. When i adjusted the temp it was revealed that the unit would no longer heat.

I cannot put the blame on vaporblunt here, but the customer communications with this company simply must improve. I cannot tell everyone how bummed I am that I won't get giant blasts from this unit. My advice to any potential buyers.
1.) be very careful with the unit in general. out of the box the unit feels very solid but the plastic quickly becomes easy to bend by squeezing the unit at all. also you have to watch the cord. I know that sounds basic but this cord is as thin as it gets. Not a lot of room for abuse at all.
2.) Get in touch with folks at vaporblunt before you purchase. Make sure they know who you are because there are simply too many unanswered emails from this company. If they know you personally, maybe you can get some better response time.
3.) Buy from vaporblunt. simple as that. dont fuck with ebay or any other site for Vaporblunt products only. I can't speak form personal experience, but from the other forums it looks like the people that have bought from distributors don't SEEM to get the attention.
All in all I can't blame the unit for its ultimate demise. I ran the thing at super hot temps and ran out of patience waiting for my power supply. Can guarantee the wrong power supply was the ultimate demise for unit. But like I said, this could have been fixed by the nice folks at vaporblunt, but unfortunately the lack of customer service will be the reason I part ways with this company.
R.I.P vaporblunt baker