Guys, do we really need to go through this again? G has explained it a couple of times IIRC. The story starts in the dark ages when THC was trying to keep some control on how their carts were being used (in terms of voltage and so on), hence using a not too popular but standard threading used in the industry. They didn't pay a lot extra for custom threads. Good call or not, that was the idea. They didn't want guys blowing them up with high voltage and making claims. That has changed over time, of course, as such things often do. Between then and now we have a 'Grandfather' situation, they are protecting their existing customer base by keeping things 'downward compatible'. Their choice, I'm sure they're sharp enough to know the way it's done?
Upset as guys get when they can't easily use gear they bought for another use, imagine how they would feel if their stock of 601 thread carts would suddenly become obsolete? It's the difference between 'getting over' and getting screwed?
or as someone who used KR808 batts which are the other most common style ecig battery that also pushes 3.7-4.2 volts and is half the size, should i be pissed that carts don't come in my threading?
exactly. nobody wanted to have it. THC, many others...nobody is pissed. i love how people formulate emotions for others on here. some just simply want to state what they would like to see. so what if it comes up a few times? if it comes up multiple times then that must mean something.
im tired of people taking this shit so personally. fuck this "discussion". sheesh
Guys, do we really need to go through this again? G has explained it a couple of times IIRC.
Upset as guys get when they can't easily use gear they bought for another use
And thanks OF. Sick of hearing about 510 threads every second post too...
but to add to the points being made i thought it important to point out that i was also an ecig user, had different threads, didn't feel the need to call them "janky" as others did, or "proprietary" as it has been repeatedly explained it isn't, or to call it bad business practice, just 'cuz you don't agree and a few others share your opinion. it isn't happening, THC has made that clear, again so no discussion needed, right? am sorry if my inference at your "pissed" or "irritation" or "entitled" attitude bothers you so much, but for someone who so solidly defends cheaper batteries as superior and complains about needing an adapter i would think you would just go use someone else's products and give it a rest.yeah sorry :/ lets just not talk about that shit anymore. its just threads...
nobody is pissed. i love how people formulate emotions for others on here. some just simply want to state what they would like to see. so what if it comes up a few times? if it comes up multiple times then that must mean something.
im tired of people taking this shit so personally. fuck this "discussion". sheesh
but for someone who so solidly defends cheaper batteries as superior
So please you are welcome to go to the 200 other companies to get your 510 threads just to fit your needs. We will continue to engineer better and better attachments for our devices.
Made by real users for real herbal users. Real engineer at its best.
EDIT**all valid points.
so friendly around here![]()
Yup. Kind of a big old internet family isn't it?
With only one bathroom.
mine is the blue toothbrush
You won't believe what he did with that toothbrush when you weren't looking.......
we all contribute to it man. so anyway how 'bout that 8?
already they have made some adjustments to design.
we will wait for perfection!
i heard it was only charring stuff a little. glad you don't take that as "good enough."
keep it up!
Ok guys, i have some bad news and i do mean bad news, tomorrow i will talk about it, but $100 mark is not possible.
this is a highly complex, engineered for perfection, all high grade materials and we can not meet the $100 mark even if our lives dependent on it.