I'm not sure if all this change in the Republican Party is something to celebrate or be afraid of. Only time will tell. I'm not sure if I trust the polls, they have been off before.
Don't they get their information from random phone calls to voters that will actually answer their questions. A lot of folks don't even have landlines any longer. Where do they get their information? I'm sure that it's changing due to the Internet.
All Solid points. Why celebrate over having only one choice? Wouldn't it be more reasonable to want the best of all possible choices be offered? I want the best of one parties ideas be examined by the other party that is looking to improve theirs. This is why we need to break up both monopolies. Now if you are one of the people who think Trump is a DEM plant put out by Hillary, then you should be disgusted by both, Not be jubilant that "My side won." If neither side refuses to focus on issues that affect us all and use shenanigans to get elected, We all lose regardless of political affiliation.
The Republican Party got Bush Jr elected because of phone calls and their snail mail campaign. While we are trying our best to remain current. But there are those who vote who are way behind that curve. To be polite. That shouldn't have any bearing whether they can vote. Just something more to understand come next election.
I mentioned very early on in this thread about polls and pundits as serving no function this early in the game. Now examine any poll OP ED piece about the election that was written within that time frame. It probably looks out of place compared to what it happening currently. No resemblance to what would actually play out later. The discourse got so bad this year, that I had to filter my News search. So much mouth breathing and cattiness
in the headlines. Much less the articles. Remember what Twain said about statistics.
But the political junkie in me would still gamble on the Donald being the King maker in this reality TV show going on. He has brought in too much money to be completely taken to the woodshed by the RNC for his vitriol.
I'm not a Sanders fan, But if you are. Dig your heels in now and hold the DNC to task. No secret of the head of the DNC's relationship with Hillary.