The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
When someone hands you lemons you have no choice but to make lemonade sound bites......Example: The lamest sound bite I've ever heard and keep hearing is when they are reminded that Bush handed Obama a disaster in almost every aspect important to our nation and they come back with 'This is the slowest, weakest recovery ever seen and we can do better'. Seriously!?!?! Your party handed Obama the keys to a car you totaled. He not only got it running and kept it running but it's the best car out there. For the life of me I don't understand why they aren't being charged with a DWI - Driving (the nation) Without Intelligence.

Don't get me wrong...There are non-economic philosophical differences we can legitimately debate....I just don't think the nation's economics is one of them unless they change their approach from the same trickle down, less oversight crap that didn't work the last time.

Did I mention I'm an independent ......


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Jeb Bush showed what a two faced a- hole he really is. I didn't like how he talked to Marco Rubio during the debate. Suggesting he step down from his job in the senate because he's always gone for the voting. He is supposed to be friends with Rubio. These guys do this all the time (gone from the senate) when they are running for office. Not that I think that it's OK but they all do it. I'm just sayin.

Not that I will be voting Republican.


Well-Known Member
I just heard Cruz being interviewed on Fox. He was complaining about the questions that were being thrown at him and others on the stage and then said this.......

"If they really wanted to have a quality debate, they should have replaced those moderators with..." (wait for it............wait for it......)......"Hannity, Beck and Rush Limbaugh."

Ya just can't make this shit up........:lmao:


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur

Los Angeles (CNN)Republican presidential candidates tore into CNBC's moderators at Wednesday night's GOP debate, issuing the sharpest attacks on the mainstream media of the 2016 election cycle.

Sen. Ted Cruz accused the moderators of trying to instigate a cage match, Sen. Marco Rubio called the media a super PAC for Hillary Clinton, and Donald Trump slammed the "ridiculous questions."

The candidates took to the airwaves again early Thursday morning and continued to rip CNBC for the tone and substance of the debate. And in the days ahead, sources said, campaign representatives will air their grievances to the Republican National Committee.

Ben Carson even told reporters Thursday that he would be demanding a new debate format.

‎"We need a change of format," Carson said during a press conference in Lakewood, Colorado. "Debates are supposed to be to 'get to know the candidates,' what is behind them. What it has turned into is a gotcha." ‎

Carson declined to specify what changes he would ask for, but said his campaign was reaching out to the other GOP candidates to "lay out a plan" going forward. The next Republican debate is on November 10, hosted by Fox Business.

The campaigns will find a sympathetic ear in RNC Chairman Reince Priebus,who blasted CNBC late Wednesday night for asking "gotcha" questions and said the network "should be ashamed."

"I was very disappointed in the moderators. I'm disappointed in CNBC," he told reporters in the spin room in Boulder, Colorado. "I thought they would bring forward a pretty fair forum here tonight. But I think it was one gotcha question, one personal low blow after another."

What a bunch of whiners!
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well-worn member
The only debates worth watching are the publicly funded ones, meaning the general election not the primaries, which are privately-funded/for profit ventures and partisan by nature. So these tools may have a point, in that even the appearance of impartiality means that they aren't getting their money's worth :rolleyes:


Your resident Super Hero
Jeb Bush showed what a two faced a- hole he really is. I didn't like how he talked to Marco Rubio during the debate. Suggesting he step down from his job in the senate because he's always gone for the voting. He is supposed to be friends with Rubio. These guys do this all the time (gone from the senate) when they are running for office. Not that I think that it's OK but they all do it. I'm just sayin.

Not that I will be voting Republican.
yeah that was a little rough... was somehow a little surprised when that went down.

the mods were pretty ridic, how do you ask someone to pretty much say another candidate is a terrible candidate and why.. even if it is talking about Trump? for an official question that is crazy.

I mean I semi-understand how it got like that, granted from the first debate they were bad but the candidates in the first 2 debates didn't really help with the way they acted... they seemed to suddenly decide to try and have more of a debate this time rather than a bash match (and by debate I obvi mean a competition to see who can mention their tax plans the most)


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Bernie Sanders wants to end the death penalty.

I didn't watch much of the debate. I hear the questions weren't so great and they didn't really bring up the major issues that the country is dealing with today and in the future.


Well-Known Member
The questions were poor and CNBC did a bad job overall. Yes, a lot of the questions were framed as gotchas, similar to the CNN questions. The biggest problem was the candidates themselves. They were dishonest, refused to answer the questions, blamed the questioners and the media for asking them uncomfortable questions. Rubio was a little better at thinking on his feet than the others but even so overall a very underwhelming bunch. The truth is none of them has a distinctive or well developed platform and none of them has found a pitch or a consistent theme. Every last one is running on yet more massive tax breaks for the wealthy (surprise, surprise). These are guys who claim to be worried about deficit and debt. None of their plans add up. They prate about the middle class but every one of them plans to funnel ever more wealth upward to the 1% away from the middle class. As for the poor they want to teach them responsibility and hard work by nibbling away at their safety net and making sure they don't get a raise. They pander to the old and propose to savage young people today by making them responsible for paying for the retirement of the boomers but ineligible for any retirement of their own. The republican message is: "we are a poor country and unlike other developed nations can't afford to care for our sick or take care of our elders. The only answer is more tax breaks for the rich, so that even more bounty might dribble down to the middle and lower classes!" Maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't be so difficult to pay for health care and an old age with dignity for all if the rich were simply made to pay their fair share again? I gave up after about an hour of the audio. The candidates and questioners shouted and talked over each other to a degree I can't remember in an event like this and it was hard to hear. They were querulous, uninspiring and irritating. Later on I skimmed over a transcript of the part I missed.
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Joel W.

Deplorable Basement Dweller
Accessory Maker

I love some bad lip reading...

I actually thought for a second, Steve Doocy was running as a Dem.
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Joel W.,
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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
A leaked campaign playbook for Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush has revealed a strategy that counts on denigrating rival Marco Rubio and calming donors about their beleaguered candidate’s weak performance on the trail.

“Marco is a GOP Obama” and the “press obsession” with the debates does not matter, Bush donors were told by the campaign in a PowerPoint presentation leaked to some outlets and a 112-page file acquired in full by the website US News and World Report.

Bush, the former governor of Florida, once treated Rubio, currently senator for the state, as his greatest disciple, shepherding the younger man’s ascent through Florida politics and forming a close friendship with him, even passing him a ceremonial sword when Rubio was sworn in as speaker of the Florida house of representatives. But the mutual admiration has been replaced by an acrimony that was exposed on national TV during Wednesday’s Republican debate, when the men sniped at each other over politics.

It's out of Jeb Bush's nature to be outright mean, he didn't seem comfortable with his statements during the debate the other night. They need to be mean and tough to stay in the race I guess.

I hear the next NBC debate may be cancelled by the Republicans because of the questions during the last debate. I don't think I've ever heard the Democrats doing that.
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Putin is a War Criminal
It has become a fairly common ploy for the republicans to attack the debate moderators, especially when they don't want to answer a question without being obvious. Its just another form of obfuscation that they are taught early in their indoctrination.

Look at any debate involving Newt Gingrich for the master of the art. Cruz has been getting his lessons direct...

Here is a decent article...
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Well-Known Member
It's unfortunate that the debate questions were posed in a disrespectful, gotcha fashion because the candidates are using that (even now, long after the debate is over) as a shield against the substance of the questions, which they did not want to answer, and in numerous cases answered with prevarications, bullshit, and bluster.
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In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
I can't count the number of times I yelled at the TV .... Just answer the question!
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well-worn member
Donald Trump Just Received The Best News Possible!

Leading up to the CNBC debate, there were countless media reports breathlessly reporting that conservative businessman Donald Trump was no longer the frontrunner. The liberal media loved it, as they were gleefully reporting Trump was losing steam to his competitor, Dr. Ben Carson.

But Trump just received incredible news that is sure to put a smile on his face, and on the faces of his supporters. Donald Trump didn’t even expect this news!

According to the newly released Economist/YouGov national poll, Trump is leading the entire GOP field by 14%! The survey, which included 2,000 adults between Friday and Tuesday, with a small margin of error.

This breaking news verified what we believed all along- Donald Trump is still breaking records and leading the Republican field.

The results of the Economist/YouGov Poll released Wednesday are:
  • Trump: 32 percent.
  • Carson: 18 percent.
  • Marco Rubio: 11 percent.
  • Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz: 8 percent.
  • John Kasich and Rand Paul: 4 percent.
  • Carly Fiorina: 3 percent.
  • Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee: 2 percent.
  • Lindsey Graham and Bobby Jindal: 1 percent.
  • Rick Santorum: 0.5 percent.
With so many Americans supporting Trump and his nearest competitor (Dr. Carson), it is clear that a vast majority of voters are ready for a candidate to break up the status quo. This poll result just shook the political establishment to the core!


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Donald Trump Just Received The Best News Possible!

Leading up to the CNBC debate, there were countless media reports breathlessly reporting that conservative businessman Donald Trump was no longer the frontrunner. The liberal media loved it, as they were gleefully reporting Trump was losing steam to his competitor, Dr. Ben Carson.

But Trump just received incredible news that is sure to put a smile on his face, and on the faces of his supporters. Donald Trump didn’t even expect this news!

According to the newly released Economist/YouGov national poll, Trump is leading the entire GOP field by 14%! The survey, which included 2,000 adults between Friday and Tuesday, with a small margin of error.

This breaking news verified what we believed all along- Donald Trump is still breaking records and leading the Republican field.

The results of the Economist/YouGov Poll released Wednesday are:
  • Trump: 32 percent.
  • Carson: 18 percent.
  • Marco Rubio: 11 percent.
  • Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz: 8 percent.
  • John Kasich and Rand Paul: 4 percent.
  • Carly Fiorina: 3 percent.
  • Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee: 2 percent.
  • Lindsey Graham and Bobby Jindal: 1 percent.
  • Rick Santorum: 0.5 percent.
With so many Americans supporting Trump and his nearest competitor (Dr. Carson), it is clear that a vast majority of voters are ready for a candidate to break up the status quo. This poll result just shook the political establishment to the core!

Good news/bad news eh? The good news is neither Trump nor Carson should be able to beat Hillary if the dems don't drop the ball. The bad news is that there are so many people who think these two are viable. This is way too scary even for a Halloween weekend.


well-worn member
I know for a fact that if it was between any clinton and trump, alaska's electoral vote would go to trump in a heartbeat. But a sanders vs. trump contest would be interesting, at least in my neck of the tundra.

Chill Dude

Well-Known Member
I'm actually happy that Trump and Carson are leading in the polls. I don't believe either of them have a good chance of winning the general against Clinton. Rubio had a fairly good performance at the last debate and I thought his poll numbers would get a bigger bump than they did. Even though Rubio is a climate change denier(which seems ridiculous based on expert scientific opinion), in my view he would be the most dangerous in he general election. He's young, energetic, Hispanic and is slightly more moderate than Cruz. I think Bush is too far down to come back. I don't care how much money he's raised, he looks weak and I don't believe his campaign is going anywhere. More importantly, Rubio is not a fan of cannabis legalization at all!!


Well-Known Member
Even right wing columnists are now beginning to wonder about the republican economic program:
Fortunately for Republicans, Rubio might well be their nominee! But even if he is, the middle-class problem is still there, because — as his much-controverted exchange with John Harwood last night suggested – even his tax plan relies on impossible deficit math while delivering very large benefits, in absolute and percentage terms alike, to people who make most of their money from investments. It’s not as much of a political problem as it would be if he were running on Cruz’s plan instead, Rubio’s larger suite of policies (and political skills) might mask some of his tax plan’s weaknesses, and he’s already started revising the plan with an eye toward addressing some of its initial problems. But the revisions have been modest, and if he makes it to the general election he can expect to be hit again and again and again for offering deficit-financed tax cuts for the very rich; on that front, at least, he too is still a little too imprisoned by his party’s habits of mind for his own political good.

The entire column is worth reading.
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Putin is a War Criminal
Federal Ruling: Budget Amendment Approved by Congress Blocks Justice Dept. From Prosecuting Medical Marijuana Patients, Providers
Oct 20, 2015

DOJ officials had said they did not believe the Rohrabacher-Farr amendment would affect individual cases; the sponsors of the amendment disputed that claim in letters to the attorney general and a request for an inspector general investigation

* Statement below from Dan Riffle of the Marijuana Policy Project *

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A federal judge ruled Monday that a budget amendment approved by Congress prevents the Department of Justice from taking action against medical marijuana patients and providers who are operating in compliance with state laws.

Northern District of California Judge Charles Breyer said that by enacting the so-called Rohrabacher-Farr amendment, “Congress dictated…that it intended to prohibit the Department of Justice from expending any funds in connection with the enforcement of any law that interfered with California’s ability” to implement its own state medical marijuana laws. The decision was prompted by U.S. Attorney Melinda Haag’s efforts to shut down the Marin Alliance for Medical Marijuana, a prominent San Francisco-area medical marijuana dispensary. Judge Breyer’s ruling is available at

The House of Representatives first approved the budgetary amendment in May 2014, and it was included in the Consolidated and Further Continuing Appropriations Act of 2015 signed by President Obama in December. In April 2015, a Justice Department spokesman told the Los Angeles Times that the department did not interpret the amendment as affecting cases involving individuals or businesses, but merely “impeding the ability of states to carry out their medical marijuana laws.”

Congressmen Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and Sam Farr (D-CA), who sponsored and authored the amendment, responded in a letter that such an interpretation was “emphatically wrong” and later requested an inspector general investigation into the Justice Department’s continued use of funds for prosecutions.

The House of Representatives passed the amendment again in June 2015, and the Senate Appropriations Committee approved it for the first time, as well. It is expected to be included in any compromise legislation funding the government for the next fiscal year.

Statement from Dan Riffle, director of federal policies for the Marijuana Policy Project:

“This is a big win for medical marijuana patients and their providers, and a significant victory in our efforts to end the federal government’s war on marijuana. Federal raids of legitimate medical marijuana businesses aren’t just stupid and wasteful, but also illegal.

“While an annual appropriations rider is a way to temporarily work around broken federal marijuana laws, Congress needs to take concrete steps to permanently resolve the tension between state and federal marijuana laws. Virtually every presidential candidate from both parties has said states should be able to determine their own marijuana laws, and multiple bills are pending in Congress that would allow them to do so. It is long past time those bills got the hearings and votes they deserve.”
So, how do we determine for certain is this was included in the just passed Budget agreement? The implication in the article is that it SHOULD be, but... ?

Edit: Sorry, meant to drop this in the news thread...
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well-worn member
Polling Trajectory Shows Bernie Sanders Defeating Hillary Clinton and Winning the Democratic Nomination


Hillary Clinton finished 3rd in the 2008 Iowa Caucus, even though an October 6, 2007 article in CNN stated the New York Senator had a commanding lead over her competition. Titled Giuliani and Clinton lead latest poll, Hillary Clinton's lead in the polls over Barack Obama seemed insurmountable:

On the Democratic side, Clinton pulled away from her closest rival for the nomination, Senator Barack Obama, D-Illinois, by more than 20 points. The poll showed her with 46 percent support, compared to Obama's 25 percent.

The remainder of the Democratic field was in single digits.

Sound familiar? History will repeat itself in 2016 because Democrats in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and every other state have more in common with my recent YouTube segment than a static poll number. I explain why I'm only voting for Bernie Sanders in this segment, and why Sanders is more honest than Clinton in another YouTube segment. Also, the polling trajectory that I highlighted in an earlier piece is tied to why Hillary Clinton is unelectable (I explain here) due to negative favorability ratings, in addition to why swing states find Clinton "not honest and trustworthy."

Human beings, not summaries of landline telephone calls to four hundred people, decide the fate of elections.

In addition, the public relations spin pertaining to schizophrenic polling data attempts to rewrite history at every turn. Remember, Yahoo wrote shortly after the Democratic debate that although one poll showed Clinton won, "the same poll found Clinton's lead on Sanders had actually decreased following the debate."

As for Clinton's lead nationally over Sanders, a Huffington Post article in late September titled Bernie Sanders Pulls Closer To Hillary Clinton In New Presidential Poll highlights that Sanders can easily overtake Clinton:

In the poll, conducted among Democratic primary voters Sept. 20-24, Clinton led Sanders 42 percent to 35 percent. While the new poll isn't necessarily an indicator of who will win the contest, the 7-point difference shows a big change from just two months ago. In July, Clinton led Sanders by 34 percentage points, with 59 percent to his 25 percent.

So, at one point several weeks ago, Clinton was only 7 points ahead of Sanders nationally. As for how Sanders got so close to a candidate once deemed inevitable, let's take a closer look at polling trajectory (...)
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