The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Rubio is doing really well against Trump so far in the CNN debate. He's getting a lot of applause from the audience. Rubio is getting under Trump's skin and so is Cruz.

Ben Carson has a whacko insurance plan.

Trump is so rude. Telling one of the moderators that no one listens to his radio show. The guy was just asking him a question.

Wolf Blitzer keeps reminding them that they all agreed to the rules of the debate. Some over time and butting in keeps happening.

Trump says he's had a lot of fun but he doesn't look like he's having much fun. Trump repeats himself a lot. He kept talking about Rubio repeating himself. Calling Cruz a basket case.

After the debate Trump said he was doing very well, he didn't think there would be a convention. Did I hear that right? There's always a convention. Maybe he miss spoke?

A lot of issues about Trump brought up by Rubio, things I had read before about him. Paying Polish workers $4 an hour 12 hour days. There was a lawsuit that Trump had to pay. Talking about Trump University that charged people $36,000. For a sub par degree. Giving out little cardboard diplomas. I guess Rubio felt he didn't have much to lose at this point. Trump is going to go ballistic on Rubio tomorrow.

There were these screamers out in the audience.
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Staff member
I think fans of the GOP are the exact same fans of the WWE.



In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
It looked to me like Rubio and Cruz trained well for the fight and were ready to wrestle in the mud a little more....but Trump didn't have to train much since he lives in the mud. Hard to fight Trump in his natural habitat.

You could sum up the debate between Rubio, Cruz and Trump with a child's lament of.... 'I know you are but what am I'. Ridiculous...

Kasich took the high road. Good for him but it doesn't look like the WWE crowd were entertained enough by him.

Trump gets away with school yard tactics because it's the level and expectation he set since the beginning. His constituents love it. He's not going to raise his politicking to something more mature and Rubio/Cruz can't lower themselves to his level without making themselves look bad. They let Trump get away with this too long.

IMO....If the republicans wake up.....Rubio looks like the front runner at this point. He didn't crack last night. Could be my selective perception kicking in....I prefer Kasich but if Trump gets trumped Rubio is the more likable versus Cruz.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
In an interview with Jorge Ramos on Fusion, former Mexican President Vicente Fox said emphatically that if Donald Trump were to be elected to the Oval Office in November and make good on his promise of building a wall along the US-Mexico border, Mexico should not foot the bill, as Trump has suggested.

"I declare: I'm not going to pay for that fucking wall," Fox said. "He should pay for it. He's got the money."

This is from the CNN debate I copied Feb 25, 2016
Blizter followed up, “If the Mexicans don’t pay for the wall, will you start a trade war with Mexico?

Trump replied, “Well you know, I don’t mind trade wars when we’re losing $58 billion a year, you want to know the truth. We’re losing so much.”

Read more:

Let's see Donald's taxes. He says he's audited every year because he's a Christian. Do any of the republicans listen to his lunacy?

Republicans only hope is Marco Rubio. Super Tuesday and the Texas caucus will be interesting.
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Well-Known Member
It looked to me like Rubio and Cruz trained well for the fight and were ready to wrestle in the mud a little more....but Trump didn't have to train much since he lives in the mud. Hard to fight Trump in his natural habitat.

You could sum up the debate between Rubio, Cruz and Trump with a child's lament of.... 'I know you are but what am I'. Ridiculous...

Kasich took the high road. Good for him but it doesn't look like the WWE crowd were entertained enough by him.

Trump gets away with school yard tactics because it's the level and expectation he set since the beginning. His constituents love it. He's not going to raise his politicking to something more mature and Rubio/Cruz can't lower themselves to his level without making themselves look bad. They let Trump get away with this too long.

IMO....If the republicans wake up.....Rubio looks like the front runner at this point. He didn't crack last night. Could be my selective perception kicking in....I prefer Kasich but if Trump gets trumped Rubio is the more likable versus Cruz.

I can see Kasich as a VP candidate on almost any of the likely republican tickets. He hasn't been inspiring in this run but he is a party insider that doesn't scare the party moderates, money men and some of the other party power players.


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
Until we can get the influence of financial corruption

This influence has been around at least since the Industrial Revolution. In the distant past, newspaper owners were the only purveyors of information, and they, of course, promoted whichever party they leaned towards, or industry standards, for that matter in their Editorial pages.

We can never achieve total justice: we can only work towards it. I have a Hobbesian view of Mankind: its kind of a dog-eat-dog view of man.


Truss Ted: The answer to "The Rupture"
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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Marco Rubio is still on a roll. He is tearing Donald Trump to bits in a speech today. Suggesting that Trump was falling apart last night, that he may have peed his pants during the debate. That Trump is a con artist. He's talking about The Donald's tweets and about his miss spellings, several words spelled wrong.

Some pretty funny stuff. It's starting to get interesting.
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Well-Known Member
Marco Rubio is still on a roll. He is tearing Donald Trump to bits in a speech today. Suggesting that Trump was falling apart last night, that he may have peed his pants during the debate. That Trump is a con artist. He's talking about The Donald's tweets and about his miss spellings, several words spelled wrong. Some pretty funny stuff. It's starting to get interesting.

When the going gets scary, the scared get desperate. Its very much the standard media post debate after show all we have to do is look at the prior post debate coverage to catch the theme. However its fun to watch happen all the same.


Well-Known Member
Can you fucking imagine those 2 running this country? Separately or together...

Yeah, but the red-necked pit bull fighting crew will love 'em.

And those two are so simpatico that one wonders what kind of hot black leather love will go on behind closed doors in the oval office. As a matter of fact, it could bring a whole new meaning to the name..............." the oval office" eh.

(edit: Ok, I gotta get these visuals outta my head before dinner.......PLEASE !!!....:puke:)


Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
Looks to me that Rubio's got the fire and drive to do a job...
Trump's just got himself rheemed a new asshole... or two...


Lo and Behold! The transformative power of Vapor.
It looked to me like Rubio and Cruz trained well for the fight and were ready to wrestle in the mud a little more....but Trump didn't have to train much since he lives in the mud. Hard to fight Trump in his natural habitat.
Sigh, Should have happened 2 debates ago. Now Trump has moved on and is pandering in a different area. He says that people have heard him repeat his message and want to hear more of what he has to offer. That was in the CNN post debate. He said it at least 3 different ways for emphasis. Actually he said everything at least 3x.
It should have been called the Trump/CNN debate. Thanks CNN.:disgust: We are all here to feed his ego apparently. Why aren't they being called out for this?
Christie is going after a VP slot banking on a Trump win.
Please god no! Christie might be worse than Trump.
I was never assured and counted him out of the picture. Not 9 months of more Christie.:( He needs to be torpedo'd NOW.

Rubio has come a long way from his drinking glasses of water in front of the country. But I would like to hear less canned, prepped material from him. He would deliver a blow to Trump and take in the reaction from the audience before stepping it up or staying on his first charge without letting Trump to wriggle out of it. So at least he is being calculating. So much for content this debate. Did anybody get anything substantial from this? Just checking.


Well-Known Member
Here's an interesting quote from a Republican nominated Supreme Court Justice who was nominated by Reagan, the GOP's messiah:

Justice O'conner,
a Reagan Appointee, is very clear
on Spin r.e. SCOTUS

"'...that President Barack Obama should get to name the replacement for the late Justice Antonin Scalia.' I have a serious problem with that language. It is patronizing, and sounds like caving in to a child. "He gets to go to the circus." Barack Obama does NOT "get to" appoint the next Supreme Court justice. He is entitled to and responsible for that appointment, per the Constitution of the United States of America. This is NOT a concession he needs to win. The rightwing narrative around this is absolutely false and anti-Constitutional. The radical Republicans are a vile, petulant, hateful, passel of obstructionists whose only unifying goal is their loathing of a black president who became their target the day he was elected by the American people to lead them."


Well-Known Member
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Putin is a War Criminal
Bill Clinton's Labor Secretary Just Endorsed Bernie Sanders

I always found Reich to be smart and thoughtful. Glad he's on board with Bernie!
That was pretty much in the cards. I don't know why he thinks Bernie can foment revolution, he should know better, but he has been saying that Bernie could create more change for a while now. I just happen to think he is wrong, and encouraging him to try is asking for a Republican President. Just not a risk most of us are willing to take.
I'm pretty confident he knows that and is just posturing knowing that that risk of it happening is pretty small. He can promote the message without worrying that it might actually succeed. :)


Well-Known Member
Please god no! Christie might be worse than Trump.
I was never assured and counted Christy out of the picture. Not 9 months of more Christie.:( He needs to be torpedo'd NOW.
X2 I don't pay much attention to Christy but several weeks ago heard him start in about someone he knew with a drug addiction problem and then an almost tearful message about addiction is a health policy issue..... the perfect prelude to at least supporting medical cannabis, but NOOOOOOO.

Still hardline and stay with the war on drugs. Total ignorance on the issue :(
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Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
Trump is now talking about changing the laws that would effect freedom of the press. He's unhappy about all the "untrue" stories about him. Now that the press is starting to show negative stories about him, he's getting pissed at the press.

I love all the negative stuff about Trump University. Trump is a con man. He has really lowered the bar as what is acceptable in a presidential campaign. Now Rubio decided to go into the mud with Trump.

Trump just said that if he wins Arkansas that he will only buy at Walmart from now on.:lol: Do we really believe that? Maybe it was a joke, I'm assuming. Most of the folks supporting him have to shop at Walmart, they don't have a choice.

During his speech he said he never uses the "F bomb". I've heard him say fuck, he's such a liar.

Yes, I saw Bill Maher last night, it was great. I saw all the "F Bombs."
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