@grokit was the first to bring this to my attention at Cannibis news. TX.

I was unaware of
any senator who was looking
ahead of the curve for once on the subject of cannibis. Usually they need to be prodded or have it nested within a larger issue, like the war on drugs.
The war on ___. Meaning the first casualty of
any war being truth.

. Like say the Painkiller epidemic being the rational for some politicians to block newer medical MJ legislation. Like say Christie's earlier position.
Essentially Warren's position is Cannibis as an aid to take care of the opioid addiction problems. MJ as exit drug.

How refreshing!
Some people here think she might be the VP pick for Sanders. Why I brought it here.
Elizabeth Warren asks CDC to consider legal marijuana as alternative painkiller
I would prefer a candidate with prior political experience that doesn't cause my skin to crawl or the hairs on the back of my neck to stand straight up. Not asking for much here.
If I can't have the experience qualification ..... I'll settle for not causing my skin to crawl, the hairs on the back of my neck not raising in alarm and COMMON SENSE.
I think I just whittled the field down considerably.
Trying to watch the debates leave me with a nausea or the heebee geebee's. A few of the candidates are already giving me a rash and I've already mentioned my exhaustion brought on by Donald fatigue. Need to stock up on more COMMEN SENSE and echinacea tea. Seriously, It's like 1-5 degrees where I'm at.

Once I build up a resistance, I'll take on the debate again.
From the moderator at the RNC debate. 'If a candidate attacks
you. You have a 30 second rebuttal.' Interesting way to phrase it. 'Attacks you' not disagree or argues, refutes you or your points. No. ATTACKS YOU.
Celebrated Presidents Day today. Went to the bank with my paycheck and cursed myself for forgetting it being a bank holiday.

Its kind of a tradition. Happy Presidents day everyone.