Chill Dude
Well-Known Member
If Sanders is going to have a good chance at the nomination and success in the general, I think he needs three things to happen:
First off, he's going to have a very strong ground game going into South Carolina and beyond to Super Tuesday. Most of those states in the south have a very heavy presence of African American voters on the democratic side. Right now Clinton has a commanding lead in the polls with African Americans( of all ages). Through African American endorsements and an extensive outreach program tailored to the fact that Bernie is the best candidate to fight for the issues important to the African americans as well as other minorities.
Secondly, Sanders will have to give a detailed explanation about what exactly "Democratic Socialism" is and why his policies will help the poor, the working class and the middle class in America. Democratic Socialism is not anything like "Socialism" as presented in high school and college political science courses where the government completely takes over the means of production and takes ownership of all private property trying to create a classless utopia.. The republicans will try to define Bernie as a Cold War style whacko socialist with crazy hair who wants to raise taxes to 90% and take all property and wealth and redistribute it to the masses. But, that couldn't be further from the truth..
A democratic Socialist believes in our system of capitalism, but thinks it has become too corrupt due to many factors: large corporations should not be able to buy off politicians for their special interests, the minimum wage should be raised to make sure lower end workers are getting their fair share of the profits of corporations, corporations should pay penalties for moving operations overseas taking away from workers wages here, Wall Street speculators profits should be taxed at an appropriate rate so the money could be used for health, education and needed infrastructure improvements etc......
Lastly, but the most important question he needs to address is EXACTLY how he would pay for all of the free stuff. He needs to present this in real numbers and in a way the average voter would understand. For instance:
Exactly how will you pay for universal healthcare?
Exactly how will you pay for free education?
Exactly how much will taxes be raised for every income bracket? Present it using real numbers not just generalities.. Show exactly how any tax increases on the middle class will actually be a savings to the middle class due to all the "free stuff"..
I'm totally behind Bernie, but if he can't articulate a detailed and reasonable way he can pay for all the free stuff to achieve his proposals and overall vision for the United States ; then the republicans will rip him to shreds...
Bernie, please articulate the dramatic difference between "Socialism" and "Democratic Socialism". If you can't do can't win!
Get on it Bernie... "I'm feeling the BERN"
First off, he's going to have a very strong ground game going into South Carolina and beyond to Super Tuesday. Most of those states in the south have a very heavy presence of African American voters on the democratic side. Right now Clinton has a commanding lead in the polls with African Americans( of all ages). Through African American endorsements and an extensive outreach program tailored to the fact that Bernie is the best candidate to fight for the issues important to the African americans as well as other minorities.
Secondly, Sanders will have to give a detailed explanation about what exactly "Democratic Socialism" is and why his policies will help the poor, the working class and the middle class in America. Democratic Socialism is not anything like "Socialism" as presented in high school and college political science courses where the government completely takes over the means of production and takes ownership of all private property trying to create a classless utopia.. The republicans will try to define Bernie as a Cold War style whacko socialist with crazy hair who wants to raise taxes to 90% and take all property and wealth and redistribute it to the masses. But, that couldn't be further from the truth..
A democratic Socialist believes in our system of capitalism, but thinks it has become too corrupt due to many factors: large corporations should not be able to buy off politicians for their special interests, the minimum wage should be raised to make sure lower end workers are getting their fair share of the profits of corporations, corporations should pay penalties for moving operations overseas taking away from workers wages here, Wall Street speculators profits should be taxed at an appropriate rate so the money could be used for health, education and needed infrastructure improvements etc......
Lastly, but the most important question he needs to address is EXACTLY how he would pay for all of the free stuff. He needs to present this in real numbers and in a way the average voter would understand. For instance:
Exactly how will you pay for universal healthcare?
Exactly how will you pay for free education?
Exactly how much will taxes be raised for every income bracket? Present it using real numbers not just generalities.. Show exactly how any tax increases on the middle class will actually be a savings to the middle class due to all the "free stuff"..
I'm totally behind Bernie, but if he can't articulate a detailed and reasonable way he can pay for all the free stuff to achieve his proposals and overall vision for the United States ; then the republicans will rip him to shreds...
Bernie, please articulate the dramatic difference between "Socialism" and "Democratic Socialism". If you can't do can't win!
Get on it Bernie... "I'm feeling the BERN"