Having voted in 9 Presidential Elections (Including 2000) I'm well aware its the Electoral College vote that matters.I hate to say it but we need to sort through the shit and see if Trump could have accidentally swallowed a diamond. One thing I know about Donald Trump is you don't know anything about Donald Trump. Who knows maybe he will shock with a dose of dignity, respect, and sanity? - please don't be too hard on me I'm just stoned. Maybe I will think about hiding under some rock later?
Hate to tell you but the electoral college vote is all that matters. Popular vote is something close losers use to tell their disappointed supporters how great they did.
And why is that? What have they told their kids that requires this kind of remorse? Involving kids in politics like this is repugnant to me. They should be allowed to be kids after all and formulate their own opinions as they mature.Saw Van Jones on CNN get kinda emotional when he stated that his biggest concern with a Trump win is thinking about what he's gonna tell his kids around the breakfast table tomorrow morning and I have no doubt that there are many other mothers and fathers having the exact same concerns.
Saw Van Jones on CNN get kinda emotional when he stated that his biggest concern with a Trump win is thinking about what he's gonna tell his kids around the breakfast table tomorrow morning.
Right now . . Clinton 47.1%, Trump 48.2%. Clinton 54,388,568 vs Trump 55,611,240.Crohnie predicts Trump will win the Electoral College, but Clinton will win the popular vote. Sigh...
I'm sorry you feel that way about the "people" of America. You must be very sour and hateful of others that disagree with you.Im sorry there are so many stupid people in America.