The 2016 Presidential Candidates Thread


Well-Known Member
So you guys thing the msm is pushing for a closer race "than it should be", just to sell more papers and get everybody to watch the debates? I'm talking a world-wide audience here, this could be ratings gold.
The shitshow starts monday night:popcorn:


Shitshow may be an understatement. I wonder if it will be a shout you down, free for all with a side of violence. I'm imagining the audience being involved and nearly uncontrollable. I hope not, but this may be one gross spectacle of disruption.


Well-Known Member
Hmm.... So this professor has correctly picked the winner of the presidential elections since 1984.

Trump is headed for a win, says professor who has predicted 30 years of presidential outcomes correctly

We're a little bit less than seven weeks out from the election today. Who do you predict will win in November?

Based on the 13 keys, it would predict a Donald Trump victory. Remember, six keys and you're out, and right now the Democrats are out — for sure — five keys.

Key 1 is the party mandate — how well they did in the midterms. They got crushed.

Key number 3 is, the sitting president is not running.

Key number 7, no major policy change in Obama's second term like the Affordable Care Act.

Key number 11, no major smashing foreign policy success.

And Key number 12, Hillary Clinton is not a Franklin Roosevelt.

One more key and the Democrats are down, and we have the Gary Johnson Key. One of my keys would be that the party in power gets a "false" if a third-party candidate is anticipated to get 5 percent of the vote or more. In his highest polling, Gary Johnson is at about 12 to 14 percent. My rule is that you cut it in half. That would mean that he gets six to seven, and that would be the sixth and final key against the Democrats.



well-worn member
From "How to Flip a Trump Voter Without Pushing Too Hard"

According to most commentators, the prototypical Trump supporter is an uneducated, narrow-minded bigot with legitimate grievances against the faltering economy which Trump has skillfully alchemized into violent rage toward non-whites, Muslims and successful women. The Trump voter is a patriarchal authoritarian primed since early childhood to fearfully submit to a bullying father who always knows best. In the circular logic of the authoritarian mindset, might makes right—and so Trump, as the strongman, is necessarily the winner in a competition against losers.

While there is some truth to this profile, it doesn’t capture the nuances of experience, emotion and belief that are about to lead tens of millions of voters to pull the lever for Trump, including, as of July, 11 percent of Muslims, 13 percent of Latinos, 34 percent of women and significant numbers of professionals. Progressives tend to react to such information with groaning disbelief, at which point we either give up or rededicate ourselves to enlightening the ignorant dupes with scads of facts that contradict the false narrative spun by Trump.

The article then goes on to pointlessly (imo) instruct on how to reason with a drumpf supporter.
As if it was possible.



Putin is a War Criminal
Trump’s running mate: Talk of racism, police should end
09/23/16 08:00 AM
By Steve Benen

Donald Trump’s presidential campaign is clearly aware of this week’s tragedies in Tulsa and Charlotte. But as this NBC News report suggests, the Republican ticket’s reaction to the developments may not be entirely constructive.

GOP vice presidential nominee Mike Pence called on the country to end debate about “institutional racism” among law enforcement officers as protests in Charlotte flared this week following the shooting of another black man by a police officer.

“We ought to set aside this talk, this talk about institutional racism and institutional bias,” Pence said during a roundtable with pastors in a Colorado Springs church on Thursday afternoon.​

According to the Associated Press’ report, the far-right Indiana governor also said, “Donald Trump and I both believe that there’s been far too much of this talk of institutional bias or racism in law enforcement.”

In fairness, Pence also reportedly acknowledged, in his best passive voice, that “mistakes are made” in law enforcement, and he agrees that “people have to be held to strict account.” Trump’s running mate added that “there will be a thorough investigation and that justice will be served and high standards will be upheld.”

But this doesn’t negate the fact that Pence nevertheless wants less “talk about institutional racism and institutional bias” in law enforcement. Evidently, according to the GOP’s vice presidential nominee, the problems might improve if we’d only agree to end conversations about them.

One of the striking aspects of this is how much further Pence is going than the usual response from many conservatives.

When it comes to police, race, violence, and frequent mistrust between minority communities and law enforcement, it’s obviously a complex, multi-faceted debate. In general, many on the right resist calls for major reforms and policy changes, preferring instead to give police officers the benefit of the doubt as national conversations continue to unfold.

But Pence is going much further, saying he disapproves of the debate itself. Forget the national conversation, he effectively argued yesterday, because there’s already been “far too much of this talk of institutional bias or racism in law enforcement.”

Vox’s piece on this added, “While Pence may be annoyed by all of this talk, the truth is people are going to keep talking about institutional bias and racism within law enforcement – because it’s real. An analysis of the available FBI data by Vox’s Dara Lind shows that US police kill black people at disproportionate rates: They accounted for 31 percent of police killing victims in 2012, even though they made up just 13 percent of the US population.

Although the data is incomplete, since it’s based on voluntary reports from police agencies around the country, it highlights the vast disparities in how police use force.”

Apparently, Mike Pence’s reaction to this evidence can be boiled down to, “Shhh.”


Well-Known Member
Trump says Hillary lies, and the audience laughs*.
This proves that the lies spun for decades about her worked.

I am amazed by the arguments I hear saying Trump's words are not causative of meanness, anger, hate and hurt acted out by Trump supporters.
The same folks then blame Obama words for inflaming the passions of people.
The same illogical thinkers must believe that the words (and money) of advertisers, 24/7/52/365, is simply entertainment, as words do not matter.

Here, from Facebook, are words that cut through all of Trump and sons' skittle-minded-small-heartedness.

"If I gave you a bowl of skittles and three of them were poison would you still eat them?"

"Are the other skittles human lives?"
"Like. Is there a good chance. A really good chance. I would be saving someone from a war zone and probably their life if I ate a skittle?"
"Well sure. But the point-"
"I would eat the skittles."
"Ok-well the point is-"
"I would GORGE myself on skittles. I would eat every single fucking skittle I could find. I would STUFF myself with skittles. And when I found the poison skittle and died I would make sure to leave behind a legacy of children and of friends who also ate skittle after skittle until there were no skittles to be eaten. And each person who found the poison skittle we would weep for. We would weep for their loss, for their sacrifice, and for the fact that they did not let themselves succumb to fear but made the world a better place by eating skittles.

Because your REAL question...the one you hid behind a shitty little inaccurate, insensitive, dehumanizing racist little candy metaphor is, IS MY LIFE MORE IMPORTANT THAN THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS OF MEN, WOMEN, AND TERRIFIED CHILDREN...
... and what kind of monster would think the answer to that question... is yes?"

* Laugh now for soon you will bow down to the orange one.
Meanwhile it is likely that the only appropriate to a Trump supporter is that given by Drew Magary in GQ.

"Because while Trump is a miserable bastard, YOU are the people who have handed him the bullhorn. YOU are the people willing to embarrass this nation and put it on the brink of economic ruin all because you wanna throw an electoral hissy fit. YOU are the people who want to revolutionize the way America does business by voting for its worst businessman, a disgusting neon pig who only makes money when he causes problems for other people instead of solving them. YOU are the thin-skinned yokels who clutch your bandoliers whenever someone hurls the mildest of slurs at you (“deplorables”), while cheering Trump on as he leaves a bonfire of truly hateful invective everywhere he goes. YOU are the people willing to overlook the fact that Trump is an unqualified, ignorant sociopath because DURRRR HILLARY IS BAD TOO DURRRR.
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Well-Known Member
It's amazing how far the Clinton-haters will stretch this e-mail bull. Spreading far-right nonsense only contributes to the problem of which Trump is a symptom. You would represent yourselves far better by criticizing her on real policy decisions but always betray yourselves by focusing on empty scandals that have been spun out of the air while you simply ignore the continuing embarrassment to the country that is the Trump campaign. At this point it's not even false equivalency any longer since Clinton doesn't appear to even have a shot at equivalence in the bizarro world of Clinton haters.

Joel W.

Deplorable Basement Dweller
Accessory Maker
Clinton and the DNC stole this election from us and the proof is coming out, as we speak.

It can not be stopped now (no matter how hard google, twitter and facebook try to keep it from trending).

She is done in my opinion. It is unfortunate for sure but who is to blame for it, really?
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well-worn member
Clinton and the DNC stole this election from us and the proof is coming out, as we speak.

It can not be stopped now.

She is done in my opinion. It is unfortunate for sure but who is to blame for it, really?
I don't know about done, but it did go from a sure thing to anybody's race at this point.

The answer to your question, is the first four words of your post :tup:

What I think is funny, is that both camps say a 3rd party vote is a vote for their opponent :rofl:



Putin is a War Criminal
Gary Johnson isn’t doing himself any favors
09/23/16 10:10 AM—Updated 09/23/16 01:33 PM

By Steve Benen
Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson spoke at a Bloomberg Politics event this week, where he made quite an impression. If you watch this clip, note the part in which Johnson, a former Republican governor, makes a strange face and starts shaking his chair for reasons that aren’t altogether clear.

This week, Johnson also sat down with NBC News’ Kasie Hunt, and during the interview, the presidential candidate apparently thought it’d be funny if he spoke – for a surprisingly long time – with his tongue out. As the video shows, Hunt seemed baffled, as any normal person would be.

The clips are a reminder of Johnson’s unusual position as a presidential hopeful right now. On the one hand, polls show the former governor doing quite well for an underfunded Libertarian, and this year he’ll be the first third-party candidate to appear on the ballot in all 50 states since Ross Perot in 1996.

On the other hand, Johnson isn’t exactly taking full advantage of the opportunity he’s been given. It’s not just the goofy persona, either – this week, the national candidate said how relieved he was that “nobody got hurt” when a bomb exploded in New York and a man with a knife attacked people in a Minnesota mall. In reality, dozens of people were injured in the incidents.

Stories like these don’t help, either.

Peter Schulman of Mother Jones has found a remarkable video from 2011 where Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson dismissed concerns about climate change because, countless generations from now, the earth will be destroyed. As Johnson explained to the National Press Club in 2012, “In billions of years the sun is going to actually grow and encompass the Earth, right? So global warming is in our future.”

As Schulman notes, this absurd argument is in keeping with Johnson’s general opposition to doing anything about climate change.​

This is the guy many young, liberal voters are gravitating towards?

a good piece the other day noting Johnson’s support among millennial voters, most notably former Bernie Sanders backers. Kevin makes the case that this is more or less bonkers, listing 18 areas in which Johnson’s platform is practically the polar opposite of Sanders’ agenda.

Click the link for the full list; it’s a doozy. Johnson, who briefly ran for the Republicans’ presidential nomination four years ago, supports fracking, thinks the Citizens United ruling was a great call, rejects a minimum-wage increase, wants to eliminate the corporate tax rate, etc. This is generally the stuff of Bernie Sanders’ nightmares.

The more young, progressive-minded voters know about Johnson, the less support he’s likely to have.

One gets the sense that Johnson realizes there’s room for a competitive third-party candidate in 2016, given the relative unpopularity of the major-party contenders. But what the Libertarian nominee doesn’t seem to know is how best to take advantage of that opportunity.


Putin is a War Criminal
I am not suggesting she is going to drop out anytime soon, but rather she is no longer electable.
Well, obviously I disagree. But whether I do or not, does it really matter? If Hillary is "unelectable" then that just means that ALL THREE options for POTUS are "unelectable", and there ARE ONLY 3. So the question then become which of the 3 is likely to do the least damage to America and how we as a nation are viewed around the world?

And the answer to that is, again, quite simple.

It is a shame that so many have to make their decision based on less that ideal motivations, but those that remain are quite critical and powerful enough to lead to President Hillary Clinton.
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Joel W.

Deplorable Basement Dweller
Accessory Maker
Well, obviously I disagree. But whether I do or not, does it really matter? If Hillary is "unelectable" then that just means that ALL THREE options for POTUS are "unelectable", and there ARE ONLY 3. So the question then become which of the 3 is likely to do the least damage to America and how we as a nation are viewed around the world?

And the answer to that is, again, quite simple.

It is a shame that so many have to make their decision based on less that ideal motivations, but those that remain are quite critical and powerful enough to lead to President Hillary Clinton.

I hear you, I still agree she was the strongest candidate...

I have no real idea of what is coming next. Nothing like this has ever happened before.

I can not make any real guesses but looks like people are scrambling for a plan on a few sides..


Putin is a War Criminal
Donald Trump’s stop-and-frisk policy raises eyebrows
09/23/16 11:20 AM—Updated 09/23/16 12:25 PM

By Steve Benen
At a Fox News event this week, Donald Trump seemed to endorse taking “stop-and-frisk” policies to a national level to address urban crime. “I would do stop-and-frisk,” the Republican said. “I think you have to. We did it in New York, it worked incredibly well and you have to be proactive and, you know, you really help people sort of change their mind automatically.”

Of course, what Trump doesn’t seem to understand is that stop-and-frisk didn’t work “incredibly well” at all, and when challenged in the courts, the policy was ruled unconstitutional.

When Trump recently told African-American communities, “What do you have to lose?” he neglected to mention the answer: Fourth Amendment rights.

Nearly as important, however, is how the Republican candidate tried to clean up his latest mess, calling into Fox News yesterday to elaborate on his preferred approach.

“[Police officers are] proactive, and if they see a person possibly with a gun or they think they have a gun, they will see the person and they’ll look and they’ll take the gun away.

They’ll stop, they’ll frisk and they’ll take the gun away, and they won’t have anything to shoot with.”​

I have a strong hunch Trump doesn’t appreciate how interesting his comments are.

Trump, who’s never demonstrated any real understanding of criminal-justice policy, apparently likes the idea of police being able to stop-and-frisk Americans – including those who’ve done nothing wrong and have been accused of no crimes – effectively at the discretion of individual officers. If the police find a gun, under Trump’s vision, it will be taken away.

In other words, the NRA’s favorite presidential candidate – the Republican who’s benefiting from millions of dollars in NRA campaign money and claims to be a great champion of the Second Amendment – is on board with a policy in which government officials approach random American pedestrians and confiscate their firearms without due process.

And, taking this just a little further, open-carry laws would probably be inconsistent with Trump’s policy, too.

If recent history is any guide, the GOP candidate will soon pretend he never said what he said, and that this is all a big misunderstanding orchestrated by Hillary Clinton, major news organizations, and other assorted foes. But the fact remains that Trump’s quote is surprisingly straightforward: “They’ll stop, they’ll frisk and they’ll take the gun away.”

Over to you, NRA communications department.

Joel W.

Deplorable Basement Dweller
Accessory Maker
Attorneys working for the Democratic National Committee are hoping a federal judge will throw out a lawsuit filed by a bunch of Bernie Sanders supporters who believe they got duped by the DNC.

‘The DNC was biased in favor of one candidate – Hillary Clinton – from the beginning and throughout the process,” the plaintiffs wrote in their original lawsuit. The complaint, which was filed in federal court in Florida, alleges fraud, as well as negligence as it relates to a Russian Hack on the DNC server. The Bernie backers contend that the trove of DNC emails posted by Wikileaks further proves that the Democratic Party was working against Bernie Sanders from the start.

However, in a motion to dismiss the lawsuit filed this week, attorneys with the DNC fired back. They believe that the lawsuit is completely without merit, and that the Bernie supporters are using “litigation as a political weapon against a national party (and to support their SuperPAC) in the middle of an election.” They also don’t believe the Bernie backers have standing to even bring the lawsuit.

The DNC attorneys also get a bit creative in their effort to get this lawsuit thrown out. They claim that all of the named plaintiffs already knew that the DNC was biased when they donated — so therefore how could they have been duped if they knew? We are not joking, that was one of their actual claims in the motion to dismiss.


Putin is a War Criminal
Facts Matter
09/22/2016 08:33 am ET | Updated 22 hours ago

When a politician ends almost every sentence with “believe me”... don’t! He’s probably lying.

According to PolitiFact, Donald Trump’s statements are rated “false,” “mostly false,” and “pants on fire” 71 percent of the time. In other words, the majority of the time that Trump speaks, he is not telling the truth.

But do the facts matter to Donald Trump or many in the media who are too entertained to correct his lies? We saw how Matt Lauer didn’t challenge him. Chris Wallace, the Fox News personality who is hosting one of the debates, has gone on record saying that facts are not relevant to him. This should be profoundly unacceptable to the American people. Our country and its stability is on the line. Facts do matter!

When Trump throws around words like “crooked,” he’s really describing himself and he doesn’t even know it. In psychological terms, it’s called “the disowned self.” Psychiatrists have explained how a person who refuses to recognize his own flaws will often project them onto other people.

As an article in The Washington Post recently said, “Trump’s history of corruption is mind-boggling.” This is a man who has bankrupted companies, reneged on bank loans, and cheated small business owners. For someone who claims to be a champion of the people, his m.o. is actually to stiff the little guy. Trump is notorious for refusing to pay painters, carpenters, plumbers and all sorts of vendors the money he owes them. The contracts he signed mean nothing to him. After the work is done, he’ll offer pennies on the dollar and say, If you don’t like it, sue me!... knowing full well that these mom-and-pop businesses don’t have the resources to take him to court. Even so, he’s been sued nearly 1,500 times over the last 30 years.

What has Donald Trump ever done to serve others? He only cares about promoting himself.
To those supporters who believe he’s a rich businessman and think he’s going to make them rich... get the facts straight. Investors in his failed casino ventures lost 90 percent of their money between 1995-2005. When the going gets tough, Trump vanishes. He eventually filed for bankruptcy, leaving others holding the bag.

And this man has the nerve to insult Hillary, who has always cared about other people? From the time she was in college, she’s been working to improve the lives of others... women, children, minorities.

While Trump was being investigated and then sued by the Department of Justice for refusing to rent apartments to black and Hispanic people... Hillary was in Texas helping to register black and Hispanic voters.

While Donald had to be shamed into coming up with the contribution he promised to veterans... Hillary actually got legislation passed when she was in the Senate to expand their health care and other benefits.

While Donald has vowed to appoint Supreme Court justices who will overturn the ruling on marriage equality, Hillary declared that “gay rights are human rights” when she was Secretary of State.

Trump is both spreading and reflecting bigotry and hatred. He said a judge was not capable of doing his job because of his Mexican heritage.

One in five of his supporters believe slavery should never have been abolished and 61 percent believe President Obama wasn’t born in the United States. For five years, Trump has wasted our time with his crackpot birther conspiracy theory. Only now he has suddenly had a conversion, but he doesn’t even have the decency to apologize. And he has the audacity to say Hillary started it all... another outrageous lie. He sounds like a child on the playground trying to escape punishment.

Hillary Clinton was right to denounce Trump’s racism, sexism and xenophobia. ... [H]e has the nerve to say he’s going to make America great again??

He’s basically a bully, but like all bullies, he’s a coward at heart. He skipped out on a debate because he didn’t like the moderator. He can’t handle the tough questions. He’s so thin-skinned that as soon as anyone challenges him, he sues them.

Hillary has been attacked right and left for decades and is still standing.

She has negotiated with leaders around the world to keep us safe from nuclear threat because it would destroy the planet... while he shockingly said, “If we have nuclear weapons, why can’t we use them?”

And he has the nerve to call her “trigger-happy”? “Unstable”?

His ignorance is astounding.

So how come Hillary is not getting credit for all her accomplishments? It goes back to something I’ve felt for many years...strong women, powerful women have always been suspect.

Some men are challenged by strong women... afraid of them... and some women are jealous of them.

Strong women have too many opinions for some people... they prefer women who are quiet. They want us to speak less and smile more. After Hillary answered questions on national security, Reince Priebus complained that she didn’t smile enough. Well, guess what... there was nothing to smile about. As she said, this is serious business.

And Trump says Hillary doesn’t look presidential? What does that mean... coming from a guy who looks like a raccoon in a tanning bed... with a flying squirrel on his head? That’s what a president is supposed to look like? A wrestler who dies his hair blonde?

Republicans play dirty and their smear tactics unfortunately work. As they say, “If you repeat a lie long enough and loud enough, people will believe it.” And that’s what’s happening and it’s terrifying.

We can’t allow ourselves to be swiftboated again. We can’t let that happen to Hillary... a woman who has the temperament and the experience to be president... unlike Donald Trump, whose idea of foreign policy was bringing the Miss Universe pageant to Russia. How can you support a man who says, “Women... you have to treat them like sh—“ and believes such hateful things about 51 percent of the American population?

We cannot allow America to fall into the hands of a narcissist who has shown no regard for anyone but himself...
These views are deplorable. Hillary Clinton was right to denounce Trump’s racism, sexism and xenophobia.

And then he has the nerve to say he’s going to make America great again??

Here are some more facts. The New York Times just reported that household incomes rose for American families by 5.2 percent last year, according to figures from the Census Bureau... the biggest one-year increase since 1967! Household incomes are now higher than when President Obama entered office. The stock market is above 18,000, which means it has more than doubled since Obama came into office.

If we want the country to continue to improve, we must continue President Obama’s incredible policy work, successful despite the worst opposition we’ve ever seen in Congress, and vote for Hillary Clinton — and down the ballot for Democratic senators and congresspersons who will not be negative and obstructionist. Instead, they will work with her to get legislation passed on gun control and campaign finance reform. My heart sinks when I read that billions of dollars have already been spent during this Presidential election cycle. Just think what that kind of money could have done for medical research... our schools... our infrastructure.

We cannot allow America to fall into the hands of a narcissist who has shown no regard for anyone but himself... a bigoted and misogynist reality-TV character with no political experience and no qualms about lying loudly and often.

There is NO equivalency between these two candidates. Only Hillary Clinton has the skills, the knowledge, the temperament and the compassion to lead this nation.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
It's correct that the Children’s Health Insurance Program -- known as CHIP -- provides health care coverage to more than 8 million children, according to Medicaid.

Created in 1997, when it was known as the State Children's Health Insurance Program, it promotes health coverage for low-income children by providing federal funding to states. Hillary Clinton, President Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy and other democrats helped make this possible.

This is my favorite achievement that Hillary Clinton had a part in.

Can you imagine if we had access to the RNCs emails like we do the DNCs? It would be a damn treasure trove but we don't. It seems a little too convenient for the other side. I'm really tired of it. I'm ready to just ignore. We are almost 6 weeks away from an election and we are just finding out all of this BS.

Obvious to me our choices are very limited at this point. Interesting we didn't hear some of this Info about Hillary months ago. Now it's a little late. Six months ago I was looking forward to this election. Now I just want it to be over.

Donald Trump has created an atmosphere of hate and anger in America and I don't like it. Seeing him on TV all the time isn't good for America's moral - let alone if he becomes president. I just want him to go away,
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Joel W.

Deplorable Basement Dweller
Accessory Maker

"The State Department said Friday it likely has more than 2,800 new emails former Secretary Hillary Clinton never turned over but were recovered by the FBI, and will begin releasing them in batches beginning next month.

But only a small percentage will be processed before the election, the department said in court, arguing its resources are stretched too thin to get them done.

All told, the FBI turned over 15,171 emails it recovered that involved Mrs. Clinton, and of those about 60 percent have been deemed purely personal. That leaves some 5,600 that are work-related, but based on a sample of data, nearly half of those are duplicates, leaving the 2,800 or so that are new.

Of those, the department was ordered to process 350 pages by Oct. 7, another 350 by Oct. 21 and a third set of 350 pages by Nov. 4 — the final set before the election. Processing means the department will review them and determine what parts can be released, if any. It does not mean the public will see that many pages released.

Indeed, at most the department will produce only 10 percent of the new documents before the election.

“The State Department is being obstructionist,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, whose organization has sued to get a look at Mrs. Clinton’s messages.

The State Department’s lawyers, though, said they are having a tough time hiring staff to review the messages, and have lost a number of staffers because of the hard work and long hours.

This has been a very difficult and demanding job these days, and not a lot of fun,” said Marcia Berman, a Justice Department lawyer handling the Clinton cases."
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Joel W.

Deplorable Basement Dweller
Accessory Maker
You want the misogynist to be president?
No. Neither will be fine with me thanks.

Washington (CNN)Hillary Clinton's top aide was given a limited immunity deal by the FBI in the investigation into Clinton's private email server, according to congressional sources Friday.

Cheryl Mills, Clinton's chief of staff and adviser at the State Department, was given the narrow immunity deal during the FBI's investigation into the former secretary of state's use of a private email server during her time in office.

"This is beyond explanation," Rep. Jason Chaffetz said in a statement. "The FBI was handing out immunity agreements like candy. I've lost confidence in this investigation and I question the genuine effort in which it was carried out. Immunity deals should not be a requirement for cooperating with the FBI."

(That's 5 immunity deals known now, if anyone is counting..)

"Three key witnesses to Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server were given immunity from prosecution in exchange for their cooperation with the FBI’s investigation, a top U.S. congressman said on Friday. The revelation is certain to fuel Republican anger over the FBI’s handling of the Clinton investigation just days before she and GOP rival Donald Trump will face off at the first presidential debate.

Those who received the deals were Clinton’s former State Department chief of staff and her attorney, Cheryl Mills; Clinton aide and lawyer Heather Samuelson; and John Bentel, who ran the State Department's information resources management office when Clinton served as secretary.
Potential witnesses are only given immunity when investigators have concluded they cannot obtain the information they need from any other sources. That the three individuals were given deals indicates that the FBI felt their knowledge was vital to its investigation.

The immunity deals, which were first reported by the Associated Press and independently corroborated by The Daily Beast, shed new light on the FBI’s investigation into Clinton’s server.
Bentel, who was aware that Clinton was using a private email server while she was secretary of state, was given immunity from prosecution for the improper transmission or storage of classified materials on unclassified servers, an individual with knowledge of the agreement told The Daily Beast.

The FBI found that some of the emails on Clinton’s server contained highly-classified information. In 2010, when two State Department employees asked Bentel why Clinton was using a private server, he told them that the matter had been reviewed by the department’s lawyers and that it “was not to be discussed any further,” according to the State Department inspector general.

Much more:


fuckit: :)
Former Democratic Congressional Candidate Says Hillary Stole Nevada

Bernie Sanders Could Be the Democratic Hero in 2016 Victory
The most trusted man in national politics will lift Dem turnout

Breaking: Guccifer 2.0 Releases More DNC Docs, Exposing More Corruption
New evidence proves Clinton was always the Democratic choice

How Hillary Clinton helped create what she later called the ‘vast right-wing conspiracy’

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well-worn member
You want the misogynist to be president?
Hillary ad..

Yet 34% of women are confirmed drumpfsters, according to usa today :mental:
And that's just of the ones that are allowed to participate in polls ;)
His approval rating could be even higher among women of the "kept" variety :ninja:
Then again maybe not :uhh:

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