To be honest I don't want any of the D's or R's currently in the running to become president. I am looking into third party candidates. I am actually kind of frightened, but maybe they will surround themselves with decent advisers? Gary Johnson is running again. I didn't vote for him 4 years ago but considering the lineup he may be worth a second look - to me. Different strokes for different folks.
I don't like voting for the lesser of an evil. I did once to help get Obama in his first term but that's it. I thought he was going to be our savior though. Did not turn out as well as I had hoped.
Lot of posts in here that I agree with, lots I don't, only read the last 10 or so pages though, but this resonated with me. I agree, no one stands out to me, in a good way.
I actually voted for Gary Johnson in 2012. And I also voted for Obama in 2008. He's more in line with my way of thought too.
Broad strokes here, but I don't like general lack of societal freedoms that Republicans
tend to be more in line with. I should be able to smoke weed, if I want? Love who I want? My girlfriend should be able to have an abortion (Though, personally, I disagree with this.......but that's the thing, we should be able to have a CHOICE)
Again, broad strokes here, and maybe I am biased because I am only 25, I am a "young person." Feel the Bern 2016 sounds and feels a LOT like Obama Change 08 (First election I voted in). I have all these peers, talking about how unfair the world is, and how Bernie will change that and make it "better for us." We are the 99%! We are getting screwed!
You know.......plenty of people have came from "nothing" and made themselves into "something" without handouts. Of every color. I don't believe that wealth is work hard, you reap the benefits.
"The Millionaire Next Door", is not a new, or unattainable concept. A little personal responsibility.........again, I said broad strokes...but Democrats in general, from my POV, are more about a lack of personal responsibility. And a lot of young people tend to have the "gimme gimme gimme, I'm entitled to this!!" mentality, and they are also the ones who are all about the Change 08, Bern 2016,, Feel Good Campaign 2024, etc.
I am digressing a little bit, just kind of trying to explain my PoV. I have student loans. I will pay them. I would of had a "free" ride (to a degree...) if I didn't fuck off so much at college. Now, I am paying a lot more when I could of had a cheaper ride so to speak. This is not the colleges fault. Or the banks. Or the government. It's mine, for being a fuck up.
Back to the candidates, I dislike them all for various reasons. I think Ted Cruz is an antiquated backwards thinking man. I think Donald Trump is a loud mouthed bigot. I think Bernie Sanders is an idealistic old fool. I think Hilary Clinton is absolutely bottom pole, low rung, not even entertaining the idea of voting for her. Morally, can't vote for her. When you willingly let US Citizens die because of incompetence......than lie about it......among other lies........her character is worse than Trumps IMO... I'm aware you can pull up liberal media articles saying that it is a Red Devil Evil Campaign against her, just as I'm aware that you can pull up conservative media articles saying she's the devil and should be lynched. I'm not of either extreme........but her character is highly questionable from my PoV.
The fact that those extremes are so prevalent is annoying as is, for politics as a whole. Too bad we can't get unbiased media. CNN is not unbiased. Fox News is not unbiased. MSNBC is not unbiased. Please save the links disproving my points/opinions, as they are simply my opinions

for every Red Devil Republican article is a Bleeding Heart Democratic one.
I have two anecdotes that I saw recently, that actually were a bit, more right leaning/biased. I don't disagree with the general point of either of them, and did want to share them.
Remember, for this whole post, broad strokes. Just making some general points/opinion giving my opinion on things. I'm sure there are Republicans who are more about social freedoms, I'm sure there are Democrats who don't want to spend spend spend on social programs. I'm sure there are Republicans who want to spend spend spend more than some Democrats. I'm sure there are some Democrats that want tighter controls on freedoms more in line with a Republican. I'm sure there are some members of the 1% who are getting unneccessary perks and benefits, I'm sure there are some members of the 99% who don't deserve the perks and handouts being proposed and I'm sure there are some that do deserve them.
I say that, because I'm not looking for this post to be nitpicked about how x is wrong, and how y perspective is so skewed. (That's the close minded Republican in me talking

) It is MY perspective....I know many of you guys lean left, and thats totally cool, I'm enjoying reading your perspectives. As I said at the top of this, I agree with some points of some of them, and disagree with some of them. Its your right to have the opinions you have. Just think it can benefit here having a slightly differing PoV, at the very least to make you guys think about certain things in a different light like some of your posts have made me.
The anecdotes will be in the next post, was 800 characters too many for one. Cheers all!