Hi there
For a while now I've been experimenting with dissolving THC in alcohols and fats for ingestion, but I've always had the problem of plant matter and chlorophyll, etc. being dissolved in with it. I know it's possible to remove these from the mix but it would be much easier if they were kept separate from the start.
I've scoured the Internet looking for answers but to no avail. I was wondering if anyone here has tried doing this by using vapor? Perhaps by bubbling it through an alcohol or a fat? I couldn't find anything using the search but I may have missed something.
For a while now I've been experimenting with dissolving THC in alcohols and fats for ingestion, but I've always had the problem of plant matter and chlorophyll, etc. being dissolved in with it. I know it's possible to remove these from the mix but it would be much easier if they were kept separate from the start.
I've scoured the Internet looking for answers but to no avail. I was wondering if anyone here has tried doing this by using vapor? Perhaps by bubbling it through an alcohol or a fat? I couldn't find anything using the search but I may have missed something.