well-worn member
So sativa for motivation, then some indica for pain, a little coffee to get going...Then stop using indicas at high temps and do some low temp sativas! I'm sure you'll get used to the paranoia.![]()

So sativa for motivation, then some indica for pain, a little coffee to get going...Then stop using indicas at high temps and do some low temp sativas! I'm sure you'll get used to the paranoia.![]()
I remember smoking as a 14 year-old and getting that "they know I'm high" feeling, especially at grocery stores and out in public cutting school! so funny though looking back. lmao
that is the best quote: "when you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky".I totally miss that though! I wish I could get that baked and be tripping balls about how I think everyone can notice how twitchy I feel haha.
I totally agree! I had a profoundly beautiful moment yesterday, I revisited an old friends house where about 2.5 years ago I used to practically LIVE at as a full-time drug addict and criminal.that is the best quote: "when you realize how perfect everything is you will tilt your head back and laugh at the sky".
As for paranoia, I think of it as the mark of getting high. It used to be a barrier for me, but now it's a signpost. Maybe the plant evolved like that so people (the hosts) would be more cautious, have less chance of getting busted - and continue to propagate the plant. Anyone think of that???
Lovely experience also! That being said, I was a bit paranoid last night on Afghan Kush but.. It didn't particularly matter. I fell asleep in 20 minsIt's already Thursday! I haven't been to FC since last week I think... (been vaping in Canada with friends). Anyway, it's funny, @Magic9 , I just read that article too. I like black pepper in lots of different food. Maybe it is helping me. As for the reflection on the self-conscious aspect, @Deja Vu, I loved your description of your experience and I found it thought-provoking and a little soothing that you should mention the positive aspects of self-consciousness. Don't we beat ourselves up too much about how we're this or that? A couple nights ago I was in Vapor Central in downtown Toronto hanging out with friends and making some new ones. Because I hadn't been there in several years and because I was forming these new connections there was this fresh aspect to my whole experience. I watched this beautiful young woman, Natalie, put an elegant focus on her ritual of dabbing (she had a lovely palette of various strains of concentrate, which she had made herself) and I realized that she is absolutely aware of everything she is doing, how she looks, what is going on around her and within her, but she carries on as if that's all perfection anyway. We were all comfortable together as a group (her husband was there as well and he's a financial officer for some big bank while also openly activist for legalization, so THAT was interesting). We discussed political and economic issues passionately, laughed (I was joking that VC is really a welders club, with all the torch lighters in activation), sympathized, did everything totally self-consciously - but wonderfully. I agree that self-awareness is pure, is divine. What a nice expression!
Came across this article. Maybe someone that gets the "maranoia" can try it.
Being paranoid is a good thing. The experience of being paranoid when you smoke weed is to get you to look at yourself. It’s to get you to look at life. You’re not always looking at it as clearly as you could. Those jolts of perception you misinterpret as paranoia, what you’re really doing is just dealing with information that’s already there. - Joe Rogan
No for me...some friends I have say it does, I just get relaxed and silly.
Wow that's odd, I thought it was the thc that made me silly and the canos that made me calm/tired/relaxed.
It was the THC that made you silly but it only made you silly because of the CBD/s that are mixed in with it to take the edge off.