Wow, what a rush is was going to Champs. After all those years of being blessed to work with the best in the industry I had the joy or sharing a hose from the driftwood vape with so many of the people that devoted so much of their time to make RBT a reality. So many of best customers, reviewers and retailers in the business stopped by the booth making it a surreal experience... and it wasn't just the effects of the driftwood. I hesitate to name names as I am sure to leave some out but you all know who you are.
I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to anyone that I offended through the years as I was in WAY over my head. I gambled it all and lost most of my life... my job, my house, my life savings and my children and nearly ended up behind bars. If it wasn't for all of the loving and caring people in this industry that literally came to my rescue I would hate to think where I would be. In the end, I would do it all over again. So many times the crushing anxiety and failure turned me into a manic asshole... but there was always someone... a Z Team member, my best friend Vgoodiez, a customer, the faith of VapeFiend to make large orders in advance that helped me out, a glowing review, that gave me the faith and belief in what I was doing to press on.
Now I have the best retailers in the world taking care of my customers, a dear friend that builds US custom and a manufacture that lives up to the quality standards RBT demands and that stands behind their work. The storm clouds are passing and the small glimmer of light has opened up to joyful day. The pain of the process exceeded all of my marathons combined but the feeling of accomplishment in 2019 dwarfs anything that I have could have ever imagined.
I believe that everyone should have a soul crushing event to humble them provided that there are people that truly love and care for you. When shit hits the fan your social media "friends" will run for cover and your true friends will rush in... and you will see what is important in life and with some sweat equity and perseverance the dead wood will float away and the rocks in your life will provide a steadfast anchor to save you. In 2014 I had a crazy dream and I jumped off a bridge amid so many that cautioned me to stay on dry land... and I survived and was born again, in a life that is so so much better than the one I was living... all thanks to all of you... and our miracle plant.
I am now a Political Media atheist and only exist here and on the RBT.www and life is good again. If there is anything I can do for any of you please drop me a line at and I promise I will do what ever I can to take care of you as so many of you cared for me. #bobisgod
Peace and Love,
Ryan "RastaBuddhaTao"
I would like to take this opportunity to apologize to anyone that I offended through the years as I was in WAY over my head. I gambled it all and lost most of my life... my job, my house, my life savings and my children and nearly ended up behind bars. If it wasn't for all of the loving and caring people in this industry that literally came to my rescue I would hate to think where I would be. In the end, I would do it all over again. So many times the crushing anxiety and failure turned me into a manic asshole... but there was always someone... a Z Team member, my best friend Vgoodiez, a customer, the faith of VapeFiend to make large orders in advance that helped me out, a glowing review, that gave me the faith and belief in what I was doing to press on.
Now I have the best retailers in the world taking care of my customers, a dear friend that builds US custom and a manufacture that lives up to the quality standards RBT demands and that stands behind their work. The storm clouds are passing and the small glimmer of light has opened up to joyful day. The pain of the process exceeded all of my marathons combined but the feeling of accomplishment in 2019 dwarfs anything that I have could have ever imagined.
I believe that everyone should have a soul crushing event to humble them provided that there are people that truly love and care for you. When shit hits the fan your social media "friends" will run for cover and your true friends will rush in... and you will see what is important in life and with some sweat equity and perseverance the dead wood will float away and the rocks in your life will provide a steadfast anchor to save you. In 2014 I had a crazy dream and I jumped off a bridge amid so many that cautioned me to stay on dry land... and I survived and was born again, in a life that is so so much better than the one I was living... all thanks to all of you... and our miracle plant.
I am now a Political Media atheist and only exist here and on the RBT.www and life is good again. If there is anything I can do for any of you please drop me a line at and I promise I will do what ever I can to take care of you as so many of you cared for me. #bobisgod
Peace and Love,
Ryan "RastaBuddhaTao"