Dab Trotter
nice fact sheet quantum. gunna bookmark that for the people that tell me to use different butane cause vector isn't "good enough"
Yup, 60% n-butane, 29% isubutane, 11% propane
Edit: I purge the propane, though that isn't really an issue as it sublimes at a much MUCH lower temp than either of the other two, so it'd be gone long before the 'tane is.
no sweat. am curious what your concerns of long exposure are based on? if there is an actual problem i would love to know. trying to follow your logic. seriously not trying to come off as rude, just don't understand where this concern is coming from. as QTS said, it's chemistry. don't want to live in ignorance myself, but if this concern is baseless i'd rather you didn't continue to live in fear. does that make sense? apologies if my tone seems aggressive as i have been accused of before. thanks againbasically you answered my question, i wanted to know how long your oil sat in butane while the unit recovered the butane, and you said an hour. cool, too long for me.
i've smoked oil for 3 years so i am far from an oil hater, its the only thing i prefer, to be honest.
basically you answered my question, i wanted to know how long your oil sat in butane while the unit recovered the butane, and you said an hour. cool, too long for me..
there is just no hard data. i was watching a 2 hour long panel by hightimes(yes i know it sucks and i agree) about the dangers of bho. that was brought up, and they didn't know if its bad long term. that is all. there was a doctor on the panel who is on the board of safety for cannabis on colorado, he seemed the smartest one. he suggested they all use n-butane and may force it soon. they brought up a few concerns, but there were no definitive answers.
my main concern is that it is my preferred method, and like i said, i dont want this to be the thing that drags me down. i'd rather it be doing a line off a chics nip(just kidding but you get my drift)
What I dont understand is those PureGold folks, where the hash oil is apparently 5% d-limonene by weight? Where they arent boiling it off I i picked up some limonene as i had seen it as a possible carrier solvent.
after doing a run and letting the remains sit for too long to scrape i decided to try it instead of my usual 99 iso. i had been hesitant as i had read that limo (easier from now on) has a high boiling point, really close to thc. i figured at worst i'd just leave it thin in a large pan and put it in a dark cupboard w/ a seedling mat w/ a thin filter layer protecting it from debris for a few days. completely unnecessary.
that stuff boiled off no prob. as to added citrus flavor, no harm there as this was a fruity strain to begin with. as to added potency, well i can't tell if it's the placebo effect, but a little seems to go a lot further than it should. got mine from
was really surprised at the effectiveness and considering it's food grade, i don't see a downside.
I think the pure gold guys add it after refining the hash oil.
I think it is an irritant at high concentrations, but at low concentrations it just tastes nice.
Seems there haven't really been any study done on long term exposure by inhalation, according to the us epa:
ditto, and thanks again, btw!I have a bottle of the d-limonene and have been hesitant to experiment with it. Please keep us informed Bob? Still love the "seed" atty btw . . .every time I see it I laugh.