Tainted cannabis?


New Member
A little while ago I got some weed and it looked ok and it smelled ok but when I vaporised it out of my volcano I couldn't taste what I smelled and instead got a weird chemically taste. The weed got me pretty high but the next day I had a headache and my body just felt really weird (long term smoke and vape user and I've never felt anything like this before no matter how heavy the sessions were.) It left my easy valve filling chamber smelling a bit odd too. My guy took it back and gave me some other stuff that looked good and smelled good. I completely stripped my volcano filling chambers with pure ISO and got a new bag etc. When I vaped it I got a good taste and a good high but the next day I experienced this same headache and weird body feeling. These symptoms are bad the morning after and I still feel groggy two days later and I noticed that my filling chamber has the same odd smell about it now even though I could only taste the bud when I was vaping. My guy has been smoking this stuff and he says that he hasn't noticed any of the symptoms I am talking about (although he believes what I say as we have known each other a long time) What could possibly be in the weed that is causing this? Could it be something that is destroyed by smoking but becomes vapour at lower temperatures? Has anyone else had similar experiences? How dangerous could it be? My guy said he will swap it for me the next time he gets something else in but I don't want to have to be deep cleaning my gear every time I pick up! Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
Go with your instincts and experience!
I would send that shit back or throw it away.
Is this your only way to get herb?
How long have you been buying from him?
I've been buying from him for years but recently the standard has not been the best but still "real" weed with no problems it's just not the strongest. I'm getting old and there are few places I know to get it from. I can go to this guys house and see him but apart from that it is street corner people that I have to deal with and my autism makes me come across a bit weird and I often find myself getting ripped off by street sellers. Did you ever have a vaping experience like this?


Well-Known Member
Are you in the US? Honestly dude.... if I didn't have access to legal weed, I'd exclusively be buying THCA Hemp stuff online. You'll have to research the best vendors. But it's being sold by legit tax paying businesses that aren't gonna poison you because you'd be able to sue them.

In my experience it's not quite as good as legal dispo cannabis. But in the US of A mail order mids are now legal to purchase from coast to coast.

Here's a link to a subreddit to research vendors: https://www.reddit.com/r/CultoftheFranklin/


New Member
Are you in the US? Honestly dude.... if I didn't have access to legal weed, I'd exclusively be buying THCA Hemp stuff online. You'll have to research the best vendors. But it's being sold by legit tax paying businesses that aren't gonna poison you because you'd be able to sue them.

In my experience it's not quite as good as legal dispo cannabis. But in the US of A mail order mids are now legal to purchase from coast to coast.

Here's a link to a subreddit to research vendors: https://www.reddit.com/r/CultoftheFranklin/
Thanks for the advice and the link but unfortunately I am in the UK.
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yeah, I'll throw away the flowers too...

I grew my own flowers organically for 2-3 years... and I threw away 2 or 3 varieties that I had missed. I have never come close to the symptoms you describe... just a bad taste that remains in the mouth...
if rinsing is done incorrectly, residue remains in the flowers. in general, when we seek to sell in large quantities, it is rather chemical fertilizers and insecticides which are used... and the rinsing step can be neglected to save time/money...

As for finding a new store... in your place I will look (before winter) for consumers who can advise you...
in France, there is a "ubber" system in many cities... once you find a correct one, you will be at peace for a while!!
But you're talking about autism, so I know it's not an easy process...
or... looking for English people here and asking for advice?

In the meantime, you can find CBD flowers with good effects. I tested Hih sticky crew several times in Switzerland and they produce quality. Vaudoise also, even if the taste is less pronounced.

good luck with your research...


New Member

yeah, I'll throw away the flowers too...

I grew my own flowers organically for 2-3 years... and I threw away 2 or 3 varieties that I had missed. I have never come close to the symptoms you describe... just a bad taste that remains in the mouth...
if rinsing is done incorrectly, residue remains in the flowers. in general, when we seek to sell in large quantities, it is rather chemical fertilizers and insecticides which are used... and the rinsing step can be neglected to save time/money...

As for finding a new store... in your place I will look (before winter) for consumers who can advise you...
in France, there is a "ubber" system in many cities... once you find a correct one, you will be at peace for a while!!
But you're talking about autism, so I know it's not an easy process...
or... looking for English people here and asking for advice?

In the meantime, you can find CBD flowers with good effects. I tested Hih sticky crew several times in Switzerland and they produce quality. Vaudoise also, even if the taste is less pronounced.

good luck with your research...
Thanks for that mate. I regularly smell delicious smells around so maybe I should just start asking around. The autism makes it tough but I can mask pretty effectively from time to time, it's just tiring (more so as I get older) The herbals help me to socialise but the medical establishment in this country won't hear of it. I have started experimenting with a high quality CBD oil that is legally available here and it is very nice but it doesn't give me that same chatty confidence that the full grown herbals give me. Thanks for the info on fertilizers and pesticides etc. The weird thing is that the bud smelled good, tasted good and it was a good high but the next day it felt like the worst hangover of my life! You might be right in saying that it is a rush job for more money. My guy doesn't grow it himself so he is in a similar position to me I guess just one more rung up the ladder. What is the worst that can happen from vaping pesticide or fertilizer laced weed? Do you think I will have lasting damage from it?
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Well-Known Member
Having already tested it, I don't think that "starting asking around" will give you much success 😁
even if I wish you.
In your place, I will prepare an itinerary with the places you are thinking of to meet the right people. And I would force myself to do this route over half a day.
It can be tiring from a social point of view, but the second meeting will be easier than the first, and the 3rd even easier.
Prepare 3-4 sentences so you don't have to think about what you're going to say in the moment... and off you go on a mission!

You're talking about hiding your autism... it depends on who you're talking to... unless you come across someone who wants to take advantage of it*, I think most stoners will be more attentive and will seek to t 'help. I'm sure my friends would go out of their way to help you more than any other person (except a pretty girl I guess 😁). (*maybe someone can accompany you on your mission?)

for CBD... I can't talk too much about it. I only tested the flowers... but I think the ritual is important and... even if you won't get the effects you're looking for, you should try. it may help you out.

and to return to your flowers... indeed it is strange that the appearance, smell and taste seem normal.
although you also write that it left a strange chemical taste. It's difficult to talk about it and even more difficult to discuss it on a forum because it's all very relative. we are all sensitive differently.
For my flowers, I had a doubt during cultivation, so it was easier to spot it.

The other strange thing is that you changed flowers, you changed bags, but you had the same symptoms... shortly after.
So another hypothesis would be that you are reacting badly to THC at the moment.
I haven't read many testimonials, but I believe that you can develop quite negative physical reactions with the use of cannabis... and even after having used it for years before.
I don't wish it on you, but it's a possibility.

And again... it's the same producer so if he was negligent on one variety, why not on the other...

And finally, the dangers of nutrient residues, fertilizers, pesticides... I don't want to tell you nonsense, so I prefer to let you do your research... But I forgot to talk about mushrooms... the same, I'm not an expert. but you don't want to spray flowers with mold/fungus...the vapor goes into the lungs!! and giving fungus an opportunity to settle in your lungs is really not a good idea! 😉

Well, and finally, just because I talked about product residue doesn't mean that's what's causing your problems! It's just a hypothesis...

I hope you get some more opinions here!


Active Member
If you're in Europe you probably got synthetic weed. Its a big thing there. They buy decent looking legal CBD flowers and spray them with cheap synthetic cannabinoids and/or terps they get from China. Ur plug is probably unaware of it as it happens higher up the chain.

I got that shit once in Germany, was very harsh on the throat when vaped. Went straight in the bin.


Well-Known Member
If you're in Europe you probably got synthetic weed. Its a big thing there. They buy decent looking legal CBD flowers and spray them with cheap synthetic cannabinoids and/or terps they get from China. Ur plug is probably unaware of it as it happens higher up the chain.

I got that shit once in Germany, was very harsh on the throat when vaped. Went straight in the bin.
I didn't experience it myself, but friends of mine have and talked about similar effects, very strong high but kind of mess up with your brain (well, not in the way you usually enjoy, I mean 😅). And from what I've been told, it's as @fucreg123 explained, cheap hemp or cdb, spayed with synthetic cannabinoïds (usually CDB altered in labs to be similar, not the same, just similar, to thc) and eventually terpenes to trick the nose.
Do you have a vaping friend who could test it in the same conditions as you? And in doubt, I would throw it too


Well-Known Member
Buying cannabis on the “black market” you take your chances these days.

I am fortunate to be able to purchase legally. I am not sure i would be enjoying if i was not able to these days. It is Too dangerous with all the bullshit they can add to it to lower the cost of product while creating a greater “high” effect.

Scares the shit out of me honestly. And if it were me, i would toss it and go elsewhere. No need to risk your health.


Well-Known Member
even if it had a higher concentration of some chemical or mold, you didn't vape a whole "pack" of it, like 5gr or more, relax, your body will heal itself from the inside... just try getting better weed next time. you can share us a photo, we can tell you if we see mold or something, stay positive
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Microbe minion
If you're friendly with your guy, find out if he's got more than one supplier, if it's all coming from the same grower then it could be too do with growing practices. You shouldn't be applying any kind of pesticides to flowering plants, even food safe ones because they haven't been analysed during pyrolysis.

See if you can find a grower you can trust (not easy), or bite the bullet and grow your own. Just don't tell anyone lol. It's the only way you can be truly sure what your consuming is safe.


New Member
Having already tested it, I don't think that "starting asking around" will give you much success 😁
even if I wish you.
In your place, I will prepare an itinerary with the places you are thinking of to meet the right people. And I would force myself to do this route over half a day.
It can be tiring from a social point of view, but the second meeting will be easier than the first, and the 3rd even easier.
Prepare 3-4 sentences so you don't have to think about what you're going to say in the moment... and off you go on a mission!

You're talking about hiding your autism... it depends on who you're talking to... unless you come across someone who wants to take advantage of it*, I think most stoners will be more attentive and will seek to t 'help. I'm sure my friends would go out of their way to help you more than any other person (except a pretty girl I guess 😁). (*maybe someone can accompany you on your mission?)

for CBD... I can't talk too much about it. I only tested the flowers... but I think the ritual is important and... even if you won't get the effects you're looking for, you should try. it may help you out.

and to return to your flowers... indeed it is strange that the appearance, smell and taste seem normal.
although you also write that it left a strange chemical taste. It's difficult to talk about it and even more difficult to discuss it on a forum because it's all very relative. we are all sensitive differently.
For my flowers, I had a doubt during cultivation, so it was easier to spot it.

The other strange thing is that you changed flowers, you changed bags, but you had the same symptoms... shortly after.
So another hypothesis would be that you are reacting badly to THC at the moment.
I haven't read many testimonials, but I believe that you can develop quite negative physical reactions with the use of cannabis... and even after having used it for years before.
I don't wish it on you, but it's a possibility.

And again... it's the same producer so if he was negligent on one variety, why not on the other...
Thanks Fangorn :) You provide such detailed answers and advice. I will take all of your points on board and scout around for some options, I do often smell good weed around so maybe it is just a case of talking to people. Thanks again for taking the time I really appreciate it!

Having already tested it, I don't think that "starting asking around" will give you much success 😁
even if I wish you.
In your place, I will prepare an itinerary with the places you are thinking of to meet the right people. And I would force myself to do this route over half a day.
It can be tiring from a social point of view, but the second meeting will be easier than the first, and the 3rd even easier.
Prepare 3-4 sentences so you don't have to think about what you're going to say in the moment... and off you go on a mission!

You're talking about hiding your autism... it depends on who you're talking to... unless you come across someone who wants to take advantage of it*, I think most stoners will be more attentive and will seek to t 'help. I'm sure my friends would go out of their way to help you more than any other person (except a pretty girl I guess 😁). (*maybe someone can accompany you on your mission?)

for CBD... I can't talk too much about it. I only tested the flowers... but I think the ritual is important and... even if you won't get the effects you're looking for, you should try. it may help you out.

and to return to your flowers... indeed it is strange that the appearance, smell and taste seem normal.
although you also write that it left a strange chemical taste. It's difficult to talk about it and even more difficult to discuss it on a forum because it's all very relative. we are all sensitive differently.
For my flowers, I had a doubt during cultivation, so it was easier to spot it.

The other strange thing is that you changed flowers, you changed bags, but you had the same symptoms... shortly after.
So another hypothesis would be that you are reacting badly to THC at the moment.
I haven't read many testimonials, but I believe that you can develop quite negative physical reactions with the use of cannabis... and even after having used it for years before.
I don't wish it on you, but it's a possibility.

And again... it's the same producer so if he was negligent on one variety, why not on the other...

And finally, the dangers of nutrient residues, fertilizers, pesticides... I don't want to tell you nonsense, so I prefer to let you do your research... But I forgot to talk about mushrooms... the same, I'm not an expert. but you don't want to spray flowers with mold/fungus...the vapor goes into the lungs!! and giving fungus an opportunity to settle in your lungs is really not a good idea! 😉

Well, and finally, just because I talked about product residue doesn't mean that's what's causing your problems! It's just a hypothesis...

I hope you get some more opinions here!
I would also add that I know it is a foreign chemical and it seems to be consistent through the different kinds of flower. I smell the end of my filling chamber and I get a strong scent of this chemical and I have never smelt that before so I don't think that it is a THC intolerance.

Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your support and taking the time to answer.


Well-Known Member
I would also add that I know it is a foreign chemical and it seems to be consistent through the different kinds of flower. I smell the end of my filling chamber and I get a strong scent of this chemical and I have never smelt that before so I don't think that it is a THC intolerance.

And I will add that mushrooms would not have an immediate effect on you.
If there was a problem, it would be in the medium term I suppose.
and you probably would have seen something or felt a different texture while grinding your flowers!

so much the better if you eliminate the hypothesis of the reaction to THC.

But if it involves chemicals, clearly the trash is the best destination.

I am French and I have never heard of CBD flowers with THC additions... I don't really understand the interest because CBD flowers seem to me to be sold at generally similar prices. at least this is the case for retail.
15-20 years ago we wondered if we hadn't added crushed glass, or sprayed a sugar solution to weigh down the flowers... I imagine that today the techniques are different but the result is the even for the consumer: a bad experience and doubt about what is consumed and the health risks...

I hope that legalization for medical purposes will accelerate in Europe... generating attractive profits for politicians... who will open up to recreational legalization...
they should focus on other priorities rather than pissing us off with the ban on the consumption of a natural, unprocessed plant...

This would save us from having to deal with unscrupulous sellers, and from consuming uncontrolled flowers...

I hope you find your happiness in any case. and by the way, it makes me happy if I can help you.

Ps: one of the rules of the forum is not to post several messages in a row. Don't worry, it's nothing serious. But maybe a mod will come along to merge your messages. If you want to complete your message, there is an "edit" function. I believe it's the 3 dots (and/or a triangle) under the messages.


Well-Known Member
I would also add that I know it is a foreign chemical and it seems to be consistent through the different kinds of flower. I smell the end of my filling chamber and I get a strong scent of this chemical and I have never smelt that before so I don't think that it is a THC intolerance.
Id be Pitching that piece !

Although Ive been a member of this forum a few years, Im Continually impressed with the Help that is offered here !
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Are you in the US? Honestly dude.... if I didn't have access to legal weed, I'd exclusively be buying THCA Hemp stuff online. You'll have to research the best vendors. But it's being sold by legit tax paying businesses that aren't gonna poison you because you'd be able to sue them.

In my experience it's not quite as good as legal dispo cannabis. But in the US of A mail order mids are now legal to purchase from coast to coast.

Here's a link to a subreddit to research vendors: https://www.reddit.com/r/CultoftheFranklin/
Ding ding ding!

This is the answer OP.

I’ve had the same experience.. my local plugs bud was giving me crazy anxiety, stomach pain and headaches. Switched to THCA flower with lab tests to back it up and have not had a single issue. It gets me just as stoned, I have different strain options, and don’t wake up as shot the next day. If I want to get extra baked on weekends, I just get a pure D9 THC edible with lab tests. I’m done with dealers.


Well-Known Member
Ding ding ding!

This is the answer OP.

I’ve had the same experience.. my local plugs bud was giving me crazy anxiety, stomach pain and headaches. Switched to THCA flower with lab tests to back it up and have not had a single issue. It gets me just as stoned, I have different strain options, and don’t wake up as shot the next day. If I want to get extra baked on weekends, I just get a pure D9 THC edible with lab tests. I’m done with dealers.

The THCA market is an awesome thing for Americans living in the Slave States. Unfortunately I didn't realize OP lives on the cursed isle of Britain so now I feel bad for even mentioning it.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I’m in the UK (in the countryside) and instagram has been amazing for me personally. 2 days later and postie delivers with a smile!
I'm not in UK but I can tell that in the countryside the quality is often higher (by orders of magnitude) than in the cities streets.

Sun grown, soil grown, no chemical needed because it grows like a weed.
Radwin Bodnic,
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Well-Known Member
Years ago I saw (low quality) cannabis that smelled just like fabric softener. Apparently they smuggled the stuff wrapped in fabric softener sheets to help cover the smell. It tainted the entire batch. :puke:
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New Member
And I will add that mushrooms would not have an immediate effect on you.
If there was a problem, it would be in the medium term I suppose.
and you probably would have seen something or felt a different texture while grinding your flowers!

so much the better if you eliminate the hypothesis of the reaction to THC.

But if it involves chemicals, clearly the trash is the best destination.

I am French and I have never heard of CBD flowers with THC additions... I don't really understand the interest because CBD flowers seem to me to be sold at generally similar prices. at least this is the case for retail.
15-20 years ago we wondered if we hadn't added crushed glass, or sprayed a sugar solution to weigh down the flowers... I imagine that today the techniques are different but the result is the even for the consumer: a bad experience and doubt about what is consumed and the health risks...

I hope that legalization for medical purposes will accelerate in Europe... generating attractive profits for politicians... who will open up to recreational legalization...
they should focus on other priorities rather than pissing us off with the ban on the consumption of a natural, unprocessed plant...

This would save us from having to deal with unscrupulous sellers, and from consuming uncontrolled flowers...

I hope you find your happiness in any case. and by the way, it makes me happy if I can help you.

Ps: one of the rules of the forum is not to post several messages in a row. Don't worry, it's nothing serious. But maybe a mod will come along to merge your messages. If you want to complete your message, there is an "edit" function. I believe it's the 3 dots (and/or a triangle) under the messages.
Thanks again for the responses Fangorn and I won't post multiple messages in a row anymore. Does that include replies? So once I reply to you should I not reply to anyone else? Or try to do all my replies in the same message?

I went to a local head shop today and I spoke with the guy at the counter at length on the subject and some customers who came in also chipped in their two cents on the subject. I was told that a good test for weed that is suspected of not being flushed properly is to put a small amount in a dish and light it on fire. If the ash turns white/light grey the weed is good but if it turns black it has not been flushed properly and is still full of feed. I got the offending bud and burnt some and sure enough the ash turned black it also smell nasty in a way that burning joints I pass in the street don't. I think the most likely explanation is the feed is still in there. Lazy growers I guess.

Also the guy was mentioning medicinal cannabis which I didn't think that I qualified for and even if I did the prescriptions are very expensive. But he told me about this new clinic in the UK that offer cheaper prescriptions on cannabis and according to people he has spoken to the stuff is all top draw and with my medical history I would be the perfect candidate for it. I pray that it is true because it would be the end for me and dealers if that's the case :) I'll let you know how it turns out. There is an initial outlay for consultation fees and I can't afford that until next month.

I hope that you guys in France can get medicinal and recreational cannabis soon.


New Member
The THCA market is an awesome thing for Americans living in the Slave States. Unfortunately I didn't realize OP lives on the cursed isle of Britain so now I feel bad for even mentioning it.
Don't feel bad florduh you weren't to know! Anyway it could turn out to be a happy ending as a guy at a head shop told me today that I could qualify for medical cannabis in the UK and he told me the name of a clinic that charges much more reasonable prices than the rip off merchants that I have so far heard of. It looks promising!

As for the countryside stuff in the UK I guess it's finding the right people. I live in a city and I used to visit a friend who lived in a housing cooperative out in the country and the guys there were always saying that weed just didn't exist around there and they wished they lived in a city for that reason (although the rest of their lives they preferred in the country so they stayed.)

Thanks Grass Yes, I am new here so I hope that you'll forgive me for not knowing the rules yet. I'll have a read later.


Well-Known Member
Also the guy was mentioning medicinal cannabis which I didn't think that I qualified for and even if I did the prescriptions are very expensive. But he told me about this new clinic in the UK that offer cheaper prescriptions on cannabis and according to people he has spoken to the stuff is all top draw and with my medical history I would be the perfect candidate for it. I pray that it is true because it would be the end for me and dealers if that's the case :) I'll let you know how it turns out. There is an initial outlay for consultation fees and I can't afford that until next month.

That’s excellent news!
I didn't mention it, because I don't know the UK system, but yes, you should be able to get into the medical program. I wish it for you !

And yes, keep us informed!
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