T-vape pen style

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New Member
Okay so I seen this vape style pen and just wanted a little information from an personal experience. I asked over at GC and people informed me that there were topics about it here. Could someone please send me the link on it im having trouble locating it. Thanks!


Level 30 Nature/Healer
Here's the thread,

I have many posts in that thread but if you have any questions you want quickly answered I can probably help.

Here is my usage post from the thread,
Here is the first video, skip to around 1:47 for the T-Vape

There is a second video, but it's still uploading so here are some pics of the abv.


And the end result ABV from the second video

@grokit My technique has improved and the herb I have now is not as moist so the hits on the first exhale tend to have vapor, I also thought it would be somewhat convenient for you to see a video of the UD vapor versus the T-Vape vapor.
The underdog has an easy draw and will fog up the whole room with one good hit, and several coughs. But the T-Vape is restricted and with a good hit the vapor would dissipate quicker than the UD.

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