Okay y'all. First impressions were not great, turned out I was being to cheap with the weed. Loaded her up properly (.3ish but it was super packed in as I was over it!)
This time, not bad.
First heat up to 420f was 1minute 51 (this time is included in the 5 minute shut off)
First few draw were pretty airy, was doing slow 10 second draws. Thing shut off, I saw it stop, checked my stop watch and started it back up... Second heat time was 1minute 23 (which I assume is a not so accurate flashing light and temp gauge) I assumed it was at vaping temps for a lot of that time but for testing sake I waited till the ligh stopped flashing each time to indicate reached temp. Took another 10 second draw, much nicer cloud (solo on 4 a few draws in) so not huge but it's cheap.
Tried the bubbler for a couple draws and they were nice, still not huge but a bit bigger than the last (did not time these my bad, but they would have been around 7-10 seconds). Few more nice little 10 second puffs all clouds whiles visible not huge. Auto shut off, same story with the light 1minute 19. Took more all visible but obviously tapering off in size. One last draw as it died and tallied 11 visible draws so all in all not bad.
Certainly not as efficient or cloud producing as any of my other vapes (VG, hammer and solo). Had to cancel hair cut but took it for a lap around the block, vapor is a bit to light to see outside with it. But I know it's working. And it is pretty discreet, I have big hands and it's can't be totally concealed in one hand but it looks like an e-cig and it fits well in the pocket.
I have a feeling the unit does not run as hot as advertised, which is not great because the high temp is a lot of what I bought it for. On the 420 temp dry! this thing gives me less irritation than the solo on 7 with the short air stem. Bud is dark brown with a little bit of black. I think it is worth noting that every bowl I have done I have done till the last visible cloud (4 full loads) have been stuffed into the solo stem and gotten at least 5 good hits every time on 7. All bigger than any of the previous clouds with effortlessness that almost mocks the poor little sweet cig

, so that's a bit of reference I guess . Obviously efficiency in extraction is not its strong point!.... In saying that neither are joints and To this day I still roll a joint or blunt when I want to walk the dog, or go for a stroll. So I can see myself using this and getting my monies worth for sure!
Maybe one day I'll buy a pax, or hopefully a grasshopper :/(if they weren't coming I'd have bought a pax by now... But I can hold out a little long! Haha) but this will do me for a bit, obviously won't get any use at home, but I never expected it would

if you can get one cheap enough and don't already have something nice and portable do it! Even just for the bubbler they are that cheap!! But don't expect the world, battery life I Havnt tested because I kept it charged so unless anyone really has to know I'll just charge it full then keep a tally of 5 minute cycles while out strolling and report back.
Taste, was not much bud taste to speak of but there was no foul taste to report... Just hot air taste. So not bad!
Will hopefully last long enough to receive a hopper, keep the bubbler give the vape to a mate and convert someone. happy days money well spent I hope!(longevity dictating)