So, aside from some of the somewhat juvenile, responses, I can easily see how for a chemo patient this would be a great way to ingest cannabis for anti-nausea, pain relief, and sleep.
No, I have never tried this but this is a well known method for the delivery of medication to the bloodstream and I should think it would work well. Someone mentioned the potential risk of absorbing cannabinoids near the base of your spine...that just doesn't make sense to me. Rectally delivered meds are absorbed by the very lower portion of you digestive tract...same digestive tract used for edibles just delivered from the other end. I can't imagine there being a real problem.
Just guessing, but it would seem that cooking some decarbed cannabis in a whatever you are using as a suppository matrix would work. Sort of like making cannabutter with what...glycerin or hardened coconut fat?
Just speculating here but perhaps some good ethyl alcohol based tincture, or making some up, would be good to use in making these? I really have no good knowledge of tinctures so perhaps somebody else will chime in. Would a CO2 extracted oil be better?
The OPs desire to make at home is, in my view, admirable and will provide him more control and even perhaps a bit of satisfaction at sticking it back to the disease, nausea, and pain. Little victories in fight back, yeah?!
But the man (or woman) came to the medical forum, clearly with a serious medical condition, looking for some guidance. Perhaps the least we can do is hold off on the potty and butt humor (or attempts at humor).
Sorry, don't mean to be a scold, but I personally thought the response from some was too far off point and wonder at the OP's disappointment from getting such.
Ok, no more hectoring LOL
P.S. to the OP - looks like that link you posted provides most/all of the info you need, yeah?