Such thing as a stick vaporizer?

Hi all!

This is my first post/thread on this forum. I got sent here through another friend and am astonished by the amount of useful information this site contains.

Anyway lets cut to the chase. A straightforward question...Is there such thing a stick vaporizer or a vape that is shaped like a pen sort of that is battery operated? Are they any good?

Please bear with me considering I'm new to this forum!


Well-Known Member
You can purchase a e-cig and make some of your own e-cig juice with the herb of your choice. That will be the closest you'll get to a pen shaped, good working vaporizer.

You should also look into the MFLB, the VaporGenie Aluminum Bat, the VaporGenie Stainless Steel Bat, the Lotus Vaporizer, the Inhalater, and the ioLite.


Escape Artist
If you are in Cali , there is the vape pen (search the vaporizer discussion board for a review) , that is similar to an e-cig but you need to buy their cartridge to go with it. Hence why its only available to California resident with an mmj card.


Combustion free since '09
I've heard some talk about that Vape-Pen. It is an e-cig and a few dispensaries were carrying it in Cali with their special sauce.

Some of us have tried the homemade versions of special sauce with e-cigs with limited success. Meh, wasn't worth the trouble in my opinion.

I'd prefer to stick with the Launch Box for portable use personally.
Cool thanks for the informative replies!

What is holding manufacturers back from making a vaporizer that is pen shaped without having to use this "juice" and using a traditional heating element like the magic flight or any other traditional vape?

And yes I am in California and will keep an eye out for the one you mentioned Skunkypete. If I find it, I'll most likely buy it and post a review on here.


Well-Known Member
The problem is that battery technology is nowhere near there yet and is unlikely to be for some time. The amount of power a given size of cell can hold isn't really making big movements. Not big enough anyway. The cells in an ecig are 160mah at best. Even the eGo has only 600mah cells, way smaller than the MFLB cells.

Ecigs that size have a crappy runtime and the heating section is tiny. Making something that small to work well enough is beyond current technology.

I was hoping that the Ploom would get close but it is junk. Check out my video. And it only reaches 150C and has a tiny heating chamber.

You could have something the size of one of the bigger ecig mods, like the Silver Bullet, with a section at the top like the MFLB but why bother? It's still way bigger than the MFLB and currently it's almost as small as is practical to be. If the MFLB was slimmer and longer like a stick, with the battery inside the body and an operating switch, that is about as close as it would get. About the size of a small pen case.
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