Very happy to hear about this and now the weirdness of the last few years make more sense. Also intrigued by him saying “no-one left behind” twice, does this mean that prices for Sublimator kits are going to be more competitive with other top vapes?! Probably not, lol! But it’s a different vape world in the time since they went away and I don’t think they can expect $1000+ per kit in today’s market. Especially not if it’s essentially the same product as before. I wonder what innovations & improvements have been made?!
Nevertheless I am very excited about the future for Sublimator because this is one of those legendary devices, and whether you believe “sublimation” or “biogassification” or think it’s marketing, it does kick ass by all accounts. Recently I’ve been thinking about what the next plug-in might be for me, thinking about the GS or maybe HerboTi? There’s generally not much activity in Desktops but if the Sublimator folks can actually roll out new products in Q4 and not fuck it up, it will be the biggest thing of 2019 imo. Bigger than Volcano Hybrid, bigger than Ditanium. imo only!
I laughed so hard at the Dank Shank! Yet another fine example of repurposing an existing product and giving it a cool(?) name, then mark it way the fuck up for the stoners. Clicking the link from
@MoltenTiger sent me right back to organic chemistry, it’s a Scoopula! Or since that’s the utensil’s brand name and they cost ~$3, so not enough profit there, PV surely went with a no-name and that’s shitloads of profit. But whatever, capitalism and caveat emptor, blah blah...
True Confession:
The Dank Shank (lol) is one of my top five tools, I use it daily and it’s absolutely amazing for transferring ground material from BCG to Jyarz easily, no muss-no fuss! I’ve always liked the sound of saying “scoopula” but Dank Shank sounds even cooler and more dangerous. I thought I was clever, using a cheap chemistry utensil but if I were really clever, I would have bought 5000 scoopulas and marketed them as Dank Shanks...