Stuck glass adapter on e-43 bowl


Well-Known Member
Hey fc community, so I have a slight problem. I recently got one of the e-43 bundles from vgoodiez and was using it with my 18mm water piece with an adapter to use 14mm attachments and now the bowl and the adapter are stuck together and I haven't been able to get them separated. The adapter obviously comes out so I can get to the bottom of it and I was thinking of using the big stick that came with my underdog to try and push it out from the bottom to get them separated but I really don't want to break anything as I can't afford to replace it at the moment. Any advice would be greatly appreciated
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Semi shaved ape
Heat it up with a small torch......not red just hot.
Gently tap and pull is what works for me,be patient.


Well-Known Member
So just as an update for those if they encounter the same problem...I got them separated after sticking them in the freezer for about an hour and then holding the bowl down while pulling the adapter up toward myself like I was essentially trying to bend the glass until I heard a little clink and it slid free. it scared the crap out of me and I thought I broke something or was going to be I can go back to using my elevatr on my 14mm pieces again and all my 14mm attachments on my 18mm pieces again so I'm stoked.
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