hey guys - i had to log in to show my appreciation, firstly to the guys at Vapefiend and now also for you guys discussing the Storm here - lots of interesting points!
so i've smoked a lot of joints over the years, but my wife is not a big fan so i started looking into alternatives for a quicker easier cleaner smoke. i bought the Storm six weeks ago and it's been a bit of a game-changer! i quickly bought the sleeve and glass mouthpiece too and they've added to the experience. this country is very liberal anyway so packing my Storm in a pub while out for beers with friends is totally fine (same as wrapping up used to be), but one slight drawback (depending on the crowd) is that people have said to me that it does "look" a lot more "druggy" than making a cheeky little joint.
however that is balanced by some great benefits, e.g. i went to have a session outside (generally it's fine to make a joint inside here but smoke outside, so i was in that habit) and the barman said "no worries, you can use that in here" (thinking it was an e-cig). That night was my first go at trying it indoors, and the guys i was with assured me that it doesn't smell, so that's great! And subsequently i have tried it at home when the wife's been out and about and she hasn't even sniffed the air suspiciously - woohoo! No more need to go take the dog for a walk to get a hit (sorry doggy).
ANYWAY... i'm generally flying solo here, and am a bit of an impractical bastard at the best of times, so some questions have occurred to me that you good people might be able to help me with (or at least, find good material to mock a silly newbie with!)
1/ i'm wondering if i'm doing it right

I know it's working well - i was overjoyed that (having read a bit before giving it a first try) it worked ideally from the first go. A few twists in the grinder and not packing the chamber (just a couple of prods down but not packing it tight), so loosely-packed coarsely-ground herb. 5mins on blue setting, 5mins on green setting, then eat everything in sight over the next 2hrs.........
My question: if i clean out the Storm at this point, the herb is all brown. Is it "finished"? How do i know if it's "finished"? I don't want to throw away good herb if there's still something usable there, but don't want to spend another session sucking on spent erb...
2/ Is there any "use" for the herb at that point? I am really quite clueless, was just wondering if there's anything to be done like making a cup of tea with it or something?!?
3/ can i leave it charging overnight? i've seen references to it shutting off once charged, but still a bit wary and haven't tried it yet. i haven't bought a separate charger yet...
4/ any tips for cleaning the glass mouthpiece itself? and the screen at the bottom of it? i brush away the bits of herb that get sucked up into it, but it does seem to be slowly accumulating bits that i guess will slowly gum up the screen... as for the mouthpiece itself, i'm not sure if it would be condensation etc but it already doesn't "look" so clean... i haven't tried to take the glass mouthpiece apart, so i don't know if the glass part can easily be separated, or if the screen can easily be replaced, etc..?
sorry for being so demanding, but i'm looking forward to hearing some knowledgeable perspective that can help me enjoy this awesome product even further!! cheers!