I would wrap it in a towl and place it in the fridge if anything, but definitely don't freeze. Although I've never had to handle that much weed so wait for further replies.Should i freeze?
thanks for all the advice, i looked at Jyarz, but they are way to small. I will have to store about 1 pound of herb
Makes sense.I often buy quantity, and I store it in mason jars (2 oz/quart jar) that I keep in an old dorm refrigerator, cold, but not frozen that only gets opened when I need to refresh my stock. I think it keeps quite well.
I find plastic can get static-y and tricomes stick to the plastic walls: glass you can brush out easily.
The Herb i have access to is the lowest of low quality so i was seeking the best way to store as to not affect the potency
I was hoping for some advice...I just bought some very expensive herb that I want to make last for 3 months. My storage method is a 16 oz mason jar kept in the dark in my coolish basement. I have been debating getting humidipaks- 62%. But I am hesitant, as it seems to me it is easier to vape herbs that are drier as opposed to moist. Opinions?
Thanks in advance...
mod note: Off-topic discussion merged with existing thread
If I could only like more than once.Fool-proof method: I put my flower
in HerbPreserve jars, then put those inside CVault containers, filling both jar and container with argon
gas, then I seal 'em
up , and stick 'em in the freezer
. Then I put the freezer on a dolly
and wheel it inside a walk-in freezer at a nearby restaurant
. Then i have Mr. Freeze seal up the entire restaurant
This is fool-proof
(In all honesty -- I use CVaults and argon for long-term storage and for rehabbing dry flower/shake with my Boveda 62's. Then I use screw-top HerbPreserve Jars for daily use)