Sticky brick runt e butano


New Member
Sono un appassionato di vaporizzatori in legno e vetro, runt e nova, che adoperano accendini a butano per scaldare l'erba ,ultimamente mi sono chiesto se quando aspiro mentre scaldo aspiro anche butano, che trasformazione c'è da butano a fiamma?


Well-Known Member
To obtain complete combustion of butane, a few essential rules must be observed when using brick-style vaporizers (instant inhalation):

  • use a quality torch lighter (not a yellow flame lighter (BIC style) which produces incomplete and dangerous combustion for our usage). Moreover, electric lighters are preferable to stone lighters, which can release harmful particles into the flame intake when in use (of course it depends, but this is generally the case with most stone lighters)

  • use butane guaranteed free of impurities (prefer recognized brands where it can be refined 12x or more)

  • of course, be located in a well-ventilated area (to ensure adequate oxygen (O₂) supply (for you and your torch lighter 🙃))

Complete combustion of butane produces carbon dioxide (CO₂) and water (H₂O). Unfortunately, to date, I haven't found any more advanced scientific experiments on the subject concerning this inhalation in our vaporizers (note that the materials used in the lighter are also important, especially the outlet nozzle, which could possibly release harmful substances :hmm:).

Please note that zero risk does not exist and that it will always be healthier to consume nothing at all (or use a ball vape (injector or log type), which for me are the healthiest vapes on the market). However, based on my own experience and after more than ten years of smoking (at least 8 joints a day), I think this type of vaporizer is much less harmful than combustion (if used correctly). Personally, I've been using this type of vaporizer on a daily basis since 2021 and my health has only improved since I stopped burning it. So yes, there are always risks, but compared to combustion, I'd say they're pretty low. Living involves a whole host of risks (useful or useless, that's up to you 😉).

I love bricks, because without them I'd probably still be rolling paper. I find the bricks perfect when you want to switch from combustion to vaporization, and it simplifies the transition to other types of vaporizers once combustion has completely stopped (which is not necessarily the case at the outset, at least in my case (for example, at the time, the electric vaporizers I'd had the opportunity to try hadn't allowed me to stop the combustion, until the day I came across the bricks, which was a revelation (today, I can vaporize on these same electric vaporizers without any problems, which was not the case before (although I still much prefer my bricks)))).

Here's another topic that might interest you:

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy your Runt/NOVA and I invite you to read the dedicated brick topics :wave:
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