Sticky Brick Labs Vaporizer

Slow Draw McGraw

Well-Known Member
Company Rep
I totally suck at it but holy shit I don't remember the last time I was this high. Food and music time.

This goes through my head every time, I can't stop laughing at it right now, I'm sorry I can't stop myself from posting it:
Yeah bangers are nothing to play around with:cool::D.
By the looks of your banger you are getting close to the timing it calls for.

Happy Saturday
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I break glass like nobodies business!
Good for you!
It's so cool when your glass take's a fall without breaking!

I had all these TORCHES once however once I realized it's just a heat source.
I forgot about this vaporizer?
Does it function?

I broke all my GonG's!

Do they have a unbreakable attachment?

SHATTER until the industry catches up?

MODS seem to work?
When will vaporizers for COLAS advance?

natural farmer

Well-Known Member
I forgot about this vaporizer?
Does it function?

I broke all my GonG's!

Do they have a unbreakable attachment?

SHATTER until the industry catches up?

MODS seem to work?
When will vaporizers for COLAS advance?

I would be all over SB products if they offered unbreakable intakes and stems @ataxian! My Milaana had to travel to the other side of the world to be fixed from broken glass. My OG Vapcap was broken as well at some point. I can't live with broken glass any more!
Lotus has shown the way. SS water adapter, anodised aluminium stem...
I wish SBs introduced anodised aluminium intakes and stems. It is virtually inert afaik, with neutral taste, like ceramic but unbreakable in every day use. Come on SBs! Glass is holding off many people I would assume, stoners break things!!! :p


VapeLife X
I'm the king of breaking glass :doh: and I am not worried in the least about the bricks glass surviving a fall! The mouthpiece glass survived the 7 foof drop test...the intake might not be as strong but I have dropped the glass a couple times and it's still perfect.

The juniors glass is a different story, but it too has held up past some stoner-fumbles!


Well-Known Member
How do you clean the chamber of the Brick? I'm starting to notice all of my weed tasting the same through the Brick. Maybe it's just me or maybe it's time to clean the damn thing. What are some things to do where the flavour can be improved?
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Dharma Initiate
I always wanted a Supreme V3 just because they're supposed to be one of the heaviest hitters out there. The HydroOGBrick hits so hard I don't need anything that hits harder.

I've always had iron lungs with a huge capacity. I'm used to my vapes running out of steam before my lungs, it feels weird to finally have one that can produce more vapor than my lungs can hold. It takes me back to my combustion days with massive bong rips, but it's so much better in flavor and effects.

This is me. I swam for years and years and never lost the lung capacity; my friends would call me Iron Lungs cause I'd always destroy what we packed when I'd rip the bong. It's rare for a vape to be able to choke me out, only the EVO on a really high temp where I'm almost specifically trying to kill the whole ELB in a hit or two manages to do it to me. And, I also have had the S3 on my shortlist for a hot minute; for the exact same reason, a big heavy hitter.

So this is very intriguing to me. I wasn't too high on the HB, as I have a SB, but that attachment piece may be just the ticket. I have a whip setup from my EVO that would fit like a glove :)


taste buds
This is me. I swam for years and years and never lost the lung capacity; my friends would call me Iron Lungs cause I'd always destroy what we packed when I'd rip the bong. It's rare for a vape to be able to choke me out, only the EVO on a really high temp where I'm almost specifically trying to kill the whole ELB in a hit or two manages to do it to me. And, I also have had the S3 on my shortlist for a hot minute; for the exact same reason, a big heavy hitter.

So this is very intriguing to me. I wasn't too high on the HB, as I have a SB, but that attachment piece may be just the ticket. I have a whip setup from my EVO that would fit like a glove :)
If you have a Brick and an Evo you should definitely get the Hydro add-on. It comes with a whip adaptor of your choice, so you will have a backup. I bought a Hydra Honeycomb to use with the add-on and it's amazing.

I had been getting such good results with the Brick dry, I didn't think there was much room for improvement. I was wrong. The Hydro add-on brings it to another level of performance, I think the extra drag from the water is improving the extraction process.

The S3 may hit harder, and I may pick one up eventually to play with, but I don't feel the need for a heavier hitter anymore.

The HydroBrick hits so hard I have had to limit its use. When it was new I had to test it thoroughly of course. And then I got my tube which required more testing. It's so much fun to use, I probably went a little overboard. I've dialed it back a bit and have been using the Brick dry lately. I love the modular nature of this vaporizer!


Well-Known Member
I've been meaning to post this for like a week now. The other day (about a week ago) I had the Brick's blocks all separated as I was changing the screen out in the bowl and then reloading it, when I accidentally knocked the mouthpiece block (with mouthpiece glass in) off the table and onto hardwood floor. There was a tinkling sound when it hit (as well as the loud clonking of the wood piece hitting the floor) and I was briefly very sad. Then I realized that the tinkling sound was just the metal poker stick thing getting knocked off of the magnet. The mouthpiece glass was perfectly fine. :tup:

I love this thing.


Well-Known Member
We wanted to add some different species in November for the OG Brick but it's looking more like December and we will try to have them ready so they can be xmas gifts to yourselves or others. We are trying to control prices so we might not go crazy exotic right off the bat but thinking we might try a small run of curly maple we have in the lab. Thoughts?


taste buds
We wanted to add some different species in November for the OG Brick but it's looking more like December and we will try to have them ready so they can be xmas gifts to yourselves or others. We are trying to control prices so we might not go crazy exotic right off the bat but thinking we might try a small run of curly maple we have in the lab. Thoughts?
Awesome news! I think a small run of the curly maple sounds good. Maybe take it slow with the exotics to see how it pans out. I have a feeling people are going to be all over the exotic bricks. I know I'll be tempted to get one for myself. :worms:


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Good Afternoon BrickFolk! I am new to the Sticky world and have a question. I have been getting some inconsistent results. Sometimes I get wispy vapor and at other times I get "it-does-a-body-good" milky results. Either way I get happy but I think I understand why I'm not going to the cloud more consistently.

After watching a bunch of videos and reading a little .... I have come to the conclusion that trying to guide the flame to the bowl is causing me some scorched herb, wood and minor combustion.

I think my goal should be to heat the glass and have the glass do the majority of the work providing the heat to the bowl. This would be similar to the convection approach my EVO takes me through. How close am I? Should I try heating the top and outside of the glass before attempting to pull?


Well-Known Member
I never heat th glass of the intake at all. You are supposed to aim the torch down the intake tube. The main thing is to get the torch right at first. If your torch isn't powerful enough or is too powerful then you will have issues. I alway err on the side Of caution to start and get about a inch or inch and half flame and start with the tip of blue flame right inside the intake glass and start slow until you see the tube start to milk and adjust draw, but if you aren't getting g nice vapor then move the flame in a bit. Or if you feel it's getting toward smoke then back the flame off. @His_Highness


taste buds
Good Afternoon BrickFolk! I am new to the Sticky world and have a question. I have been getting some inconsistent results. Sometimes I get wispy vapor and at other times I get "it-does-a-body-good" milky results. Either way I get happy but I think I understand why I'm not going to the cloud more consistently.

After watching a bunch of videos and reading a little .... I have come to the conclusion that trying to guide the flame to the bowl is causing me some scorched herb, wood and minor combustion.

I think my goal should be to heat the glass and have the glass do the majority of the work providing the heat to the bowl. This would be similar to the convection approach my EVO takes me through. How close am I? Should I try heating the top and outside of the glass before attempting to pull?
Try using a slightly stronger flame. I personally don't preheat the glass but I believe some do. I use a strong flame, at least an inch long, closer to 1.25 inches. This is the length of both the bright inner flame and the outer "ghost" flame.

I have the tip of the outer flame just level with the top of the intake. I keep it pretty much centered, and then I angle it slightly away from myself, towards the carb.

I keep the carb closed for the duration of the entire hit. Adjusting the flame closer to the intake will raise the temp, pulling it away lowers the temp. I try to keep it stationary and control temp with my draw speed.

I draw slow to medium at first until I see vapor. It takes only a second or so for vapor to start forming if your flame is strong and your draw speed is not too fast.

Once I see vapor I increase my draw speed a lot, trying to keep the vapor density a steady thick milk. It's important to not slow down your draw speed suddenly if using this technique, as it can lead to combustion. Just stop hitting it instead.

I keep drawing for a few seconds after I take away the flame. It will surprisingly continue to produce vapor for a short while. I think continuing to draw after removing the flame also helps prevent hot spots.

Again, make sure the carb is closed the entire time, until it stops producing vapor.

This technique is a little advanced but it gives the biggest hits in my experience. Once you dial it in it is very consistent.

You could use a similar technique, with a strong flame and steady medium draw speed. Start off the same way but when you see the vapor form keep hitting it normally, using the flame distance and carb to adjust vapor density.

If vapor gets too thick let off the carb for a second while you move the flame away from the intake. If the vapor is too thin keep the carb closed and move the flame closer to the intake, even a little bit inside of the intake is fine if necessary.


Well-Known Member
Good Afternoon BrickFolk! I am new to the Sticky world and have a question. I have been getting some inconsistent results. Sometimes I get wispy vapor and at other times I get "it-does-a-body-good" milky results. Either way I get happy but I think I understand why I'm not going to the cloud more consistently.

After watching a bunch of videos and reading a little .... I have come to the conclusion that trying to guide the flame to the bowl is causing me some scorched herb, wood and minor combustion.

I think my goal should be to heat the glass and have the glass do the majority of the work providing the heat to the bowl. This would be similar to the convection approach my EVO takes me through. How close am I? Should I try heating the top and outside of the glass before attempting to pull?
I'm not one to tell someone how to vape but the Brick is a convection device with very little conduction, which is what you are trying to introduce by heating the glass. Wood is a poor conductor of heat. As @subway13029 suggested, start with as little flame as possible and work your way up


In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Hey @subway13029 .... Long time no see! Thanks for the quick response.

@Vapor_Eyes .... Thanks to you as well for all the detail.

@6079Smith .... Appreciate the corroboration.

Sounds like everyone is on the same page as far as the flame strengh and positioning being the key and heating the glass itself is just a by-product of sorts.

I'll try adjusting the flame up and down and see if I can find the sweet spot. I haven't combusted yet but I have sort of laser tagged the middle of the bowl a few times by pushing the flame too far inside the glass tube. Sounds like everyone is in agreement. Find the sweet spot on the flame and don't push the flame too far into the glass tube. More testing to come .... thanks again!
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